Why Bitshares?

Let's keep it going with more reasons why BTS is a cryptocurrency and blockchain of the present and future.

Bitshares' better technology, decentralized exchange, and community are three incredible reasons discussed in part one of why BTS. Link here: @chiefmappster/why-bts

Now onto three more reasons why BTS is one of the best blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

My intent with these "Why?" guides is to provide information, context, and as much value as possible to you so that you can best set yourself, your family, and your friends up for the future.

This guide will explain my perspective on why pick BTS out of all these cryptocurrencies and blockchains.


REASON FOUR: SmartCoins (pegged assets)

Besides EOS, BTS, and STEEM, one of the many great creations of @dan is the SmartCoin, a pegged asset for use in crypto and other assets.

Basically a SmartCoin guarantees the value of a pegged asset will always be backed by collateral held in the Bitshares blockchain. The most popular SmartCoin is BitUSD which represents $1. Because of the nature of this SmartCoin, each BitUSD is worth at a minimum $1 dollar.

This may not seem as revolutionary as his other creations, but the ability to have pegged assets that are back 1:1 by collateral especially in this cryptocurrency space where some assets are backed 5:1, sometimes even 10:1, is truly revolutionary.

It allows for more stability and gives more confidence to investors because they know that SmartCoin assets are backed by collateral and that there is a minimum guaranteed floor price for the asset.

Knowing that 1 BitUSD = $1 at a minimum is extremely valuable especially with people finding out about the problems with other dollar-pegged cryptos like Tether.

These SmartCoins also allow for the creation and trading of such pegged assets such as BitGOLD and BitSILVER which represents an troy ounce of each substance.

Besides knowing they have a guaranteed floor price, this attracts more investors because some investors may want to diversify their portfolio through these pegged assets. Having the ability to trade guaranteed pegged assets crypto-related or not on a decentralized exchange is a HUGE reason why BTS.

REASON FIVE: User-Issued Assets (UIA)

In this world of creating value through the use of cryptocurrencies, the ability to create your own asset on the Bitshares network is truly astounding.

All it takes is some research, some BTS, and some time and you can create your own asset today on the Bitshares network. No long, intensive process like getting an ERC-20 token on Ethereum.

You just need to do some research on which permissions you want for your token and specifics such as the total amount issued. Below is an awesome informative video by @kronos to help:

And then pay the BTS for the issuing fee and then BAM you have your own user-issued asset. Whether anyone buys, sells, or trades your token is up to the value proposition you provide. That is the hard part.

Giving the ability to any entrepreneur, business, or organization to create an asset with ease is a huge benefit to the Bitshares network and will only continue to attract more users to the network and provide more visibility and brand awareness of Bitshares.

REASON SIX: Low, stable fees

Notice those $50-$75 fees to transact Bitcoin recently? Even before that the fees to transact Bitcoin were in the dollar amount. One moment its this amount to transact Bitcoin and then another moment it is drastically different.

This is not good for individuals, businesses, and organizations that want to use crypto for transactions. I thought crypto was about quick and easy transfer of data not preventing that transfer by limiting and unpredictable fees.

With BTS, there is a small fee of a fraction of a BTS for transactions such as the 0.21851 BTS it is right now to transfer funds from one Bitshares account to another. At present value that is 11 cents. And it has been around this level for a while giving stability to Bitshares fee structure. They don't change drastically like the fees of Bitcoin and the fees collected go straight back into keeping the network functioning optimally.

These low and consistent fees are one of the many reasons why individuals, businesses, and organization are moving away from Bitcoin and into Bitshares for transactions.

Just look at BitSpark, a money remittances business, they moved their money transfer business off of the Bitcoin network and onto the Bitshares network for this very reasons. The high and ever-changing fees on Bitcoin made doing business hard and less profitable. Using the Bitshares network provides low, consistent fees so that BitSpark's operations can function at an optimal level and thus help a huge amount of individuals, businesses, and organizations in the process.

It is only a matter of time until users of crypto become aware of the many benefits of the Bitshares network and when that happens there will be a mass exodus of individuals, businesses, and organizations to Bitshares to take advantage of their low and consistent fees among the many numerous other reasons listed above.

So why Bitshares?

  • SmartCoins,
  • User-issued Assets (UIAs),
  • Low, stable fees,
  • Better technology,
  • Is decentralized exchange, and
  • Community-based.

These are just some of the many benefits that BTS offers. Would love to hear anymore benefits you can come up with in the comments as well.

For more detail into the reasons of better technology, decentralized exchange, and community-based crypto go here for a comprehenive review of reasons #1-3: @chiefmappster/why-bts

Hope this brings value to you and hope this helps you make the best decision for yourself, family & friends, and livelihood.

Thank you for your time and attention. It means the world to me.


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