Analysis & Stats: The People and Projects of the London Cryptocurrency Show 2018

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The analysis is to understand the power and reach of the people behind the accounts and projects which were represented at the London Cryptocurrency Show. The projects represented at the show include open source projects.

The mission of the event was to promote the Steem Blockchain and raise the profile of the cryptocurrency with investors. It was also an opportunity for fellow Steem users and projects to collaborate on this mission.

A little bit more on the background of the event is here and included only for background.

The data comes in three forms:

  1. Data from the posts either side of the event using the tag #LondonCryptocurrencyShow- with a view of understanding the velocity/volume of posts either side of the event. This was extracted by counting from the feed with the help of @eroche
  2. Sparce Volume Data from SteemSQL with the assistance of @Anarcotech looking at the authors using a number of tags associated with the Show
  3. Forensic data manually extracted from the account and wallet pages of the people and projects associated with the event


DATA ONE: Posting Profile: Volume and Velocity:

The show took place on Saturday the 14th April. This data was extracted from a review and count of the posts on the #LondonCryptocurrencyShow tag. The graph shows the profile of peak posts was on the day of the event followed by a slightly larger volume of post event blogs exceeding the pre-event build up:

LCCS Event Stats 1.jpg

No major surprises that the peak was the day of the event especially with the rise this year of Steepshot and DLive type blog posts. The data will be useful for comparative events. A takeaway for the analysis, outside the scope today, will be to monitor the legacy of the event with monitoring the tail of posts on the tag over the next few weeks after the event – all with a view to establish the legacy impact of the event.

DATA TWO: Authors: Upvotes and Author SBD Payout Last 30 days (up to 19 April 2018)

The data here was extracted here from the SteemSQL database (@Arcange’s) by @anarcotech (the script disclosed below my footer so not to interfere with the reader here). The data shows real engagement with the brand new tags.

The tags in question were:


The results in summary:
• 320 unique authors
• 824 posts
• $4,289 author pending payout

Below follows a number of charts all generated through Power BI:

LCCS Event Stats 2.jpg
LCCS Event Stats 3.jpg
LCCS Event Stats 4.jpg
LCCS Event Stats 5.jpg

Analysis Conclusions:

• High volumes of posts from UK based @stephenkendal followed by Indonesian account holders @aldy @ritauddin @andestra @eskomauliadi – which appear often well rewarded by votes but not necessarily powerful upvotes.

• Only a small number of Authors average over $8 Author SBD on the final bar chart (26 account holders) demonstrating valued content.

• Standout author payout for @howo and @anarcotech as their posts hit trending pages.

• Nearly half of all pending payout in the last 30 days looks to be distributed to two of the speakers at the event @howo for SteemPress, @Anarcotech of promo-steem/steem-ambassador an unoffical videographer at the event @neopch.

DATA THREE: People & Projects

By far the most interesting analysis for me was not in the sparce data requiring database interrogation and reporting tools but in the forensic level data, which has been manually curated. The table below shows the 49 accounts represented by the attendees of the event followed by the accounts associated with the 6 projects associated with the event.

Data includes, identification of Witness, Followers, Steem Power, Steem Power Delegated In and Out and Net Steem Power.

The total reach from the event is indicated by the following: this would include duplicates – so a take away outside of the scope of this analysis would be to establish the unique followers of the combined people and projects.

LCCS Event Stats 6.jpg
LCCS Event Stats 7.jpg

Analysis Conclusions:

Impressive to get FOUR witnesses to the event as well as the commitment for people to travel from TEN Countries to be at the Show.

Looking purely at the people that attended and the accounts they control – there was a fantastic aggregated following of 143,698 and NET STEEM POWER of 790,610 STEEM.

These stats are the symptomatic of a very powerful room of Steemit users and Steem Projects: the stats below are the total for the People and the Projects associated with the attendance of the show:

The Combined Followers = 195,880
The Combined Net STEEMPOWER = 5,410,322 STEEM

That was one powerful room. AND they carried the very important message to the Steemit Community of the mission accomplished at the London Cryptocurrency Show.

Scope of Analysis

The scope has been described above when identifying the three data sources.


SteemSQL Script Used for DATA SOURCE 3 above was as follows:

select top { INTEGER }
count(author) as cnt,
sum(net_votes) as votes,
sum(pending_payout_value) as pending_payout_value
Comments (NOLOCK)
parent_author = '' and
depth= 0 and
datediff(hour, created, GETDATE()) between 0 and 30*24 and
(ISJSON(json_metadata) > 0) and
( JSON_VALUE(json_metadata,'$.tags[4]') in ('londoncryptoshow','lccs','londoncryptocurrencyshow','ldncryptoshow') ) or
( JSON_VALUE(json_metadata,'$.tags[3]') in ('londoncryptoshow','lccs','londoncryptocurrencyshow','ldncryptoshow') ) or
( JSON_VALUE(json_metadata,'$.tags[2]') in ('londoncryptoshow','lccs','londoncryptocurrencyshow','ldncryptoshow') ) or
( JSON_VALUE(json_metadata,'$.tags[1]') in ('londoncryptoshow','lccs','londoncryptocurrencyshow','ldncryptoshow') ) or
( JSON_VALUE(json_metadata,'$.tags[0]') in ('londoncryptoshow','lccs','londoncryptocurrencyshow','ldncryptoshow') )
group by
order by
pending_payout_value desc


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