Project Details
CalcPvAutonome is a software that allows you to calculate the size and estimated cost of autonomous solar plant for environmentally friendly energy production.
It helps to make a detailed and scientifically based calculation of absolutely all the elements and parameters that will be used in your solar installation. CalcPvAutonome is free, intuitive, educative and can be used by a person with any level of knowledge in photovoltatics. It does not need to be installed, it's an online calculator that can be found here:
Being a software with Beerware license it is open for translating and other types of contributing. You can join this project and translate it to your language directly on the web-site with seeing the context (agree this is matter for translators).
Links related to the translation
Source Language
Translated Language
Ukrainian 64% (929 words are yet to translate).
Number Of Words
no less than 1134 (numbers are a bit different)
One counter
Another counter
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1134
Proofread Words
1140 words was proofread by myself and most of them are already merged.
Except of my own translated strings I also made a proofreading after the previous Ukrainian translator. 98% of his work needed to be remade and corrected.
Proof of work
Previous translation on the same project
Russian language:
Part 1 - CalcPvAutonome: Russian translation and Proofreading (Part 1, 1109 words)
Part 2 - CalcPvAutonome: Russian translation and Proofreading (Part 2, 1410 words)
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