Translation of Code.Org from English to Chinese Simplified - Part 2- 1,974 words translated


As I posted yesterday, I am translating project from English to Chinese Simplified for team. I finished part 1 as link below by finishing 1,432 words and suggested 108 translations into Chinese Simplified.


Here's link to the open sourced project and Chinese simplified translation-

Today, I continued with the translation, and finished another 1,974 words and 99 translations into Chinese Simplified as the snapshot shows-



Prove of project progress with and without my work-

  1. Bring dashboard/umplugged/yml from 87% to 100%.

  2. Improve dashboard/instructions/yml from 70% to 78% completion.



Prove of Chinese translation done by me from the report by crowdin-

example 1.jpg

example 2.jpg

example 3.jpg

Example of the string on screen is translated. Before the translation is done, the square in front of each string is red. After the translation is entered, the color changes to green.


As shared in my initial post, this is a huge project. It has 683,069 words in total with 253,488 words translatable. The project team has a very ambitious goal to publish the project in 75 languages.


Currently, there is only Chinese Simplified and Traditional in work, others are still sitting there waiting for its translators to claim the work. If you are capable and interested in this project and contribute, pls do come join us.

This is a very good project that will benefit a lot students and young kids. They offer tutorial to different age group. And they also offer tutorials and kits to teachers to set them up for success. You don't really need experience in computer science, as long as you follow their classes and tutorials, you can get it. This is why I am so honor to be part of the translation team, contributing to globalization of this project. How about you?

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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