SteemPi the open source TV-box project that connects with Steem | Now on


Would you be interested to contribute to the SteemPi project, to make the best possible Steem powered Tv-Box?

SteemPi is a TV connected device that give a open alternative to TV-boxes such as Apple TV, Nvidia Shield, Mi box, Amazon Fire TV, Razor Forge etc.

"There is nothing on TV?"

Those boxes pretend to "cut the cord", but instead you get almost forced monthly subscriptions for online content in return. (and advertisements, and bad infotainment)


With the SteemPi TV box, ideally it is the opposite, the users of the box can make money with there box, by steeming posts or in the most ideal way by contributing free to distribute content to SteemPi and its users, content such as (free to distribute/royalty free/public domain/CC licence) documentaries, movies, videos music and games. Or content that is and made and owned by the user video blogs, etc.

Kung Fury,free to distribute movie, Displayed in the Kodi media center interface.

We have great content spotters and creators here on Steem and together we can find and bring the best content to the biggest screen, it would be amazing to literally see and watch what all people are sharing and want to share!

SteemPi is free open source software that runs on a small inexpensive Raspberry Pi single board computer, It's easy to find the parts and build and customize it.


Though it will take some time and a little bit of technical skills to put it together, and for that reason im preparing a sample and testing different parts to offer a ready to go box for the people that would not want to build one by there self. There will only be a small profit made on the "ready to go" boxes. and there will be no difference between the free software and the software on the "ready to go" boxes.

With SteemPi it's already possible to add and play backups of your console games and movies, and to use steem related features and apps on your TV or a spare monitor.

How to get SteemPi and contribute using Utopian ?

SteemPi is currently at V2 and at the moment there are two ways to get it.

  • Download the latest image file from the SteemPi website and write it to a SD card (for Raspberry Pi 2, 3) (with Kodi, and RetroPie) (up and running within 10 min)

  • Or a bit more advanced and much more time consuming is to use the SteemPi installation script as described on the SteemPi Github. (With the benefit that it works on multiple boards and brands and its possible to check errors during installation)


Things you can help with to make SteemPi better and you can get rewarded for

  • Test V2 on your single board computer and feedback your results.
  • Test V2 and add or improve things
  • Help to develop V3 (run the project local), and maybe get yourself a Free SteemPi Box in return
  • Suggest ideas and features that you would want to see and suit the system and ideology
  • For the website there need to be awesome (product) text comparable and competitive with those commercial examples 1,2,3
  • SteemPi is currently available in English, Dutch and German, please have a look here if you would want to translate the Steempi Interface.
  • On github is a list of tested and untested feature requests "issues" that are on the wishlist to integrate in SteemPi, and the current status of the implementation of that feature is mentioned there as well.

Things to keep in mind when developing for the future versions of SteemPi.

  • Pi's are not as fast as a pc or laptop but can do identical things, try to make things that are friendly with the limited resources (The Pi can do surprising things!)
  • Your coding work needs to be commented by you, so others can expand and work with it. (documentation)

SteemPi on Github | SteemPi on Discord

Your contributions are judged by the curation team of Utopian and upvoted accordingly by them and by me.

Significant contributions to the SteemPi project will be extra rewarded with SBD, free SteemPi TV-Boxes and bits and pieces, and is depending on your efforts and the value of your contribution for the future of the project.

Please join the SteemPi Discord Server for more details and share your contributions trough the Utopian website, search for SteemPi and choose one of the categories that are provided.

"Let's make the best possible TV-box!"

Read more about Utopian | Introduction to SteemPi V2

People that have contributed and supported me and the SteemPi project and some have SteemPi running.

@dehenne @guyverckw @mkt @inquiringtimes @paulag @edje @htliao @steem-samiam @holoz0r @boucaron @deanlogic @isacoin @ausbitbank @malonmar @pilcrow @igster @teamsteem @noisy @fathin-shihab @yandot @bart @steemmeupscotty @shantamcbain @exe8422 @aggroed

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