Steem Bot Tracker Update 4 - Round Details View

Hi everyone, it's only been about a month since the Steem Bot Tracker launched and I can't believe how popular it has gotten! It's recently been up over 250 users per day! I'm humbled and incredibly happy that it is has helped so many people and I very much appreciate all of the encouragement and support I have received so far.

I've also gotten some great feedback from users and bot owners about how I can improve the tool, so here are some of the new improvements which have recently been put live on the site:

1. Bidding Round Details View

You can now click on the new "Details" link next to any of the bid-based voting bots in the list to see the details of the current and last voting rounds.

Previously, as soon as a round ended it would switch over to the next round and it was impossible to see (through the tool at least) if there were bids that snuck in at the last minute or what the overall results were for the round.

Now as you can see in the screenshot above, you can view the full details of the bids from the current round and from the last round for each bot. This should help provide some more clarity on what is going on and why you received the vote you did.

2. Performance Improvements

Previously the bot tracker site would reload the status of the bid-based voting bots every 30 seconds and would load all of the transactions send to each bot and recalculate all of the values each time. While this wasn't too big of a deal even on mobile devices, I wanted to improve it.

Now it will refresh every 10 seconds (so you can see those last-minute bids more easily!) and will only load the most recent transactions after the initial page load and update the values vs recalculating everything each time.

3. Fixed Issue with Missed Bids During Voting

An issue was brought to my attention a while ago that it was possible that the bot tracker could miss bids if they were sent while the bot was still voting for the previous round. This was due to the fact that it only counted transactions since the last time the bot made a vote.

This has now been fixed so you can rest assured that no bids will be missed!

Additional Suggestions and Future Updates

@ura-soul recently submitted an "idea" contribution for the bot tracker which you can read here:

Bot-Tracker / Steemit Idea: Integrate Steem Bot-Tracker Into A Browser Extension For Ease Of Use

First of all I want to thank @ura-soul for the first Utopian contribution to one of my projects from someone other than myself!

I will definitely work on adding this to the SteemIt More Info extension and/or creating a separate extension if necessary. I have never made a browser extension before so it might take me some time, and I have a job, family, and some other projects - but it is on my radar and I agree it would be an excellent update!

I also have a few other ideas of how to improve the tool so stay tuned! If you have any ideas, suggestions, new bots I should add - whatever - please let me know in the comments!

I Need Your Support!

The Steem Bot Tracker is completely free to use and I don't make any money off of it, so I would really appreciate your support to help with future development of this and other projects that I am working on by voting for me as a Steem witness!

You can cast your vote at and since I’m not anywhere close to the top 50 you can write “yabapmatt” in the vote box at the bottom of the page!

You can read my witness thread here: @yabapmatt's Witness Application

Open Source Contribution posted via

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