Their Children's Names Will NEVER be on the VaxXed Bus - HEALTHY & UNVACCINATED!

The VaxXed Bus has thousands of names written on the outside,

signed by people who have been interviewed on camera telling the world about their Vaccine Injuries.

The VaxXed Bus has been travelling across the USA, doing live interviews of the vaccine injured ...

"Into The Light" - A Short-Film Tribute to The VaxXed Movement

... During the second stretch of the VaxXed Nation Tour they also started interviewing unvaccinated families and doing their own informal survey of the health of the unvaccinated vs. the vaccinated.

Take Time to Listen to People!

When you stop and take the time to listen to people and their own personal accounts of living with vaccine injury, or having children who are living vaccine-free, it becomes simple to discern the truth.

But you must STOP, take some time out of your days, and LISTEN. I have listened to several friends and acquaintances, and even strangers that I have met in real life (not on the internet.) I have heard stories of near death and negative health consequences right after vaccines. In fact, a good friend of mine stopped breathing immediately after her own first vaccine (MMR) at age 5, had to be resuscitated, and spent months in the hospital recovering.

And then there are scores of personal stories that you can find online.

Try starting with VaxXed TV Youtube Channel

... or sifting through my older articles by @canadian-coconut here on Steemit.

I have heard hours upon hours of people's accounts -- and you know what?


People know their own bodies, and parents know their own children.

Parents know if they brought in a healthy child and after vaccinations were returned a child who was badly harmed.

We are sick of hearing that everything is a coincidence!

It seems to be that Vaccinations are the Leading Cause of 'Coincidence!'

A doctor who prescribes you a drug or pharmaceutical vaccine injection, yet is dismissive when afterwards you give your account of one of the known side-effects (usually listed on the Vaccine Package Insert) is not practicing good medicine. I know that I sure wouldn't want my doctor to not listen to me and tell me adamantly that all my concerns are a coincidence.

In fact, the Criminal District Attorney in Texas does not call the abundance of accounts of vaccine injury a coincidence ... as a Lead Prosecutor, he labels this as ...


Nico LaHood believes that there is strong circumstantial evidence of thousands of stories like his, where parents videotaped their children normal before vaccines and after vaccines a different child -- it's almost like a car accident where the kid got injured, an EVENT. Nico says that he would feel very comfortable, if this case (Vaccines vs. Autism) had to be tried before a jury, that he could prove vaccines have a strong factor in causing autism.


The UnVaccinated are Healthier

I have heard over and over again, how most unvaccinated children are far healthier than most vaccinated children.

The side-effects of vaccination can be subtle and unrecognized. It can be recurring ear infections, food allergies and slow recovery from many illnesses.

On the other hand, the unvaccinated tell of how their children rebound quickly from illnesses, and rarely need to see a doctor because their health is so good. These children generally do not get ear infections, asthma, food allergies, and all the other conditions that are sadly common in children today.

These Mothers Share WHY They Never Vaccinated


Their Names Will Never Be On This Bus!

Quotes from the Video Below:

"The parents' stories ... you can show me all the scientific studies you want, BUT when I see the parents' stories of how their children died or were irreversibly injured by these vaccines, you can't tell that they don't cause problems."

"And I thank them for their voice, because of them, her name is NEVER going to be on this bus."

Posted to youtube on 2017-06-30

Interview recorded on March 23, 2017 in Tallahassee, Florida.

The truth is coming out. It can not be suppressed much longer. The people are being heard and the corruption is being exposed.

To get a glimpse into the scientific corruption surrounding vaccinations and their dangers, please watch VaxXed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe

Read my article on the VaxXed Movie here:

1 Year After the Debut of VAXXED -- WATCH the Most CENSORED Movie of the Year

For More Stories Like This One, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

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