Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier: #TeamVaxXed Tour Now Interviewing Unvaccinated Families

The VaxXed Team is once again on tour ...

and this time they are recording LIVE stories of the UNVACCINATED,

along with their usual live stories of Vaccine Injuries.

See my earlier article about their first tour
A Tribute: The VaxXed Tour Homecoming ... and recording their journey here on Steemit

It seems that airing the live interviews of unvaccinated families is upsetting many people even more than the vaccine injury stories were. The Trolls are coming out in full-force on the live Periscopes now.

I think it is because we are tearing down the FEAR TACTICS that have been the best sales tool for this type of pharmaceutical product.

They would have us believe that our children will die off or be full of disease if we don't obediently follow their system.

But the truth is being revealed, LIVE ON CAMERA!

Interviews with the Unvaccinated or the Vaccine Injured go out LIVE on Periscope.
The recently live-recorded videos are first posted on their
We Are VaxXed Facebook Page.
Once the videos get properly edited they will be placed here on
VaxXed TV YouTube Page

I have already shared many articles about the injury that vaccines can bring. They are a pharmaceutical drug with associated known side-effects. (Read the Vaccine Package Insert.) Vaccine Injury is NOT rare! More and more people are speaking out about their experiences of injury and even death caused by vaccines.

Yet people still worry that an unvaccinated child will be a sick and diseased child.

They still think that the risk of not vaccinating is greater than the risk of vaccinating.

But now the world can watch, listen and learn. We can hear the parents' accounts of HEALTHY children; children who do not have constant health issues like the other children around; children who meet milestones quickly; children who live VIBRANT lives!

In several of the VaxXed Tour interviews, the parents compare their first vaccinated child(ren) to subsequent unvaccinated child(ren) and the stark differences in their health and development.

I have 3 beautiful, healthy, fully unvaccinated children of my own and I know that I made the best decision possible for them. They are 12,9 and 5-years of age. They rarely have needed to see a doctor. Their immune systems are strong. They a have a good chance at long, fruitful lives, as I have not exposed them to vaccination that would have increased their risks of getting cancer and chronic health conditions.

Please, please take the time to listen to these stories that people are sharing. Hear about the vaccine injuries, and then hear about how healthy the unvaccinated are. And make an informed decision.

 PLEASE Watch This 10-Minute YouTube Video
Team Vaxxed -- Super healthy unvaccinated children

... Or Click ⇥ Here To Watch ⇤ on Youtube

Read more at my Blog @canadian-coconut

Learn about the VAXXED Movement here: "Into The Light" - A Short-Film Tribute to The VaxXed Movement by Forrest Maready

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I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.
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