Chocolate Muffins with a blueberry jam filling! GF, refined sugar free, vegan and so juicy RECIPE to try out today!

Hi guys!! Hope you all are having a great week!
I am back from my trip to the Netherlands, and have already started create a lot new delicious treats, so stay tuned the next few days for whats coming your way!

Some of you may remember my last attempt of making muffins, that didnt went very well, so yesterday I made my second try, and changed some ingredients in my recipe.
Thanks to all of you, who helped me a few weeks ago with your tips, they really helped me coming further! I love how we can support and help each other here on steemit, such a beautiful community we are building!

So this time I used chia seeds instead of flax seeds, as flax seeds have a strong flavour, the same with buckwheat flour, that I replaced with almond flour, for the sweet taste.
Blueberries and fresh raspberries goes very well with chocolate, so I couldnt resist but making a blueberry jam filling that made the muffins just even more delicious and juicy! And raspberries on top of that! Just awesome, imagine the sweet sensation in your mouth!

If you follow my instagram you probably know that I wanted to make an other try on this recipe before sharing my recipe, but than my partner tried one muffin, and after that, a second one, and he love it! So I changed my mind. If he loves them, then the recipe is worth sharing! My partner normally doesnt like chocolate at all, and he is not a big fan of sweets that are not super sweet, so when he says they taste good, they are really good!;)

My muffins are

  • 100% gluten free
  • 100% refined sugar free
  • 100% vegan (no eggs, no dairy!!)
  • 100% oil free
  • healthy!
  • juicy!
  • delicious!
  • gone within a day!!!

So here we are:

Chocolate muffins with a blueberry jam filling!

The most famous muffins, are probably the chocolate or the blueberry muffins, so why not combine these to flavours and make the ultimate muffin! Inside the fluffy chocolate muffin is a lot of extra chocolate chunks, perfect for my sweet tooth!




  • 200 g almond flour
  • 100 g coconut blossom sugar
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 5 tbsp cacao powder (unsweetened)
  • 2 tbsp lupin flour (or any other healthy protein powder with a natural taste)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 3 cups plantbased milk (I used oat milk as always)
  • pinch of vanilla + sea salt
  • 100 g dark vegan chocolate (chopped)


(Preheat the oven to 200 °C)

  1. Blend the chia seeds until you have a fine powder. Add 1/3 of the plantbased milk and mix. Set aside.
  2. Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl, and mix well.
  3. Add the chia-mixture to the dry mixture, also add the rest of the plantbased milk to the batter, and mix until well combined. Dont overmix it! Add the chopped chocolate and fold them into the batter.
  4. Spoon the batter in muffin-molds (grease the mold before adding batter into it)
  5. Put in the oven and bake for 30 minutes.
  6. Let the muffins cool down in the molds while you prepare the jam.

Blueberry jam:

  • 2 cups bilberries or blueberries
  • sweetener when needed (to taste)
  • splash or lemon juice


  1. cook the blueberries in a small pan, turn down the heat after 2-3 minutes and let the blueberries simmer for 5 more minutes.
  2. Add sweetener when needed, and blend for some seconds until smooth.
  3. Make a hole in the middle of the muffins and pour in some of the jam.
  4. Top with fresh raspberries and serve! And enjoy:)

I hope you have enjoyed my recipe and please let me know if you try them out!! I love to get your feedback on my recipes!! It makes me always very happy to see your creations;)

Kisses to all of you!!


Love, Niina

Ps. Check out my instagram and blog for many simple and healthy vegan recipes.

While you are still here, take your time to check out my other recipes and recent posts:

  2. Sweet Pumpkin Pancakes - Vegan RECIPE - #fruitsandveggiesmonday
  3. How to find your inner purpose in life❤
  4. CHOCOLATE CUPS to die for!With roasted almond filling and peanut butter! RECIPE!
  5. Healthy Breakfast & Dessert Idea - Vegan Recipe! Millet Porridge with a warm Blueberry Jam
  6. 3 Ingredient Pancakes! Recipe! VEGAN, SUGAR & GLUTEN FREE. And how I contribute to a happier, and healthier world.
  7. MATCHA-CHOCOLATE CAKE! Recipe - Vegan - Raw
  8. HELP NEEDED! CHOCOLATE MUFFINS! Gluten free and refined sugar free
  10. Congratulations to the Winners of the #VeganBreakfastContest!!!

Thank you all! ❤
I want to inspire you to live your dreams, eat delicious, nourishing, healthy food, and keep a creative mind. We all can do that, now!

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