My Wednesday Walk (and My Contest Entry)


For those that missed my post, Some Tags For You, there was one that got added that was not initially on there. One created by @tattoodjay called #wednesdaywalk. Here is his most recent walk and details of the tag's use can be found there too. I find it ironic because this is usually a day I take the princesses out for a walk. So, on our walk today, and living in the country, I chose 'fence posts' as my focus.

Well Ya!

Of course I had to drop the first photo of the princesses before we set off on our afternoon trek. They love taking walks too. When the weather gets warmer, we drop down in the rivers to cool ourselves off. Today though, the humid air and lingering rain clouds demanded at least a little bit of cover for the skin. All in all it was a good time between the rain drops to venture out.

This is one of my fences.

This one is the field across from us.

This is the end post for the barbed wire fence.

A fence post?

Not sure if it actually qualifies as a fence?

Combination fence posts.

Because the Stuff

The goat fencing atop the hill.

A lamp and some more smiles for @tattoodjay

P.S. - the photo descriptions are links to posts I read prior to this, they're all good!

And One More Thing

I was recently chosen by @qurator as one of the pictures for their 'Friday Photos' contest. I would appreciate anyone that hasn't voted (and would like to) to help secure a win over there for me. The fam has rallied a little and I am in the lead, but it's not a comfortable one. Can vote by clicking here. It was for the 4 Leafed Clover I posted last week. Thanks everyone that came out for it already! STeeM oN my peoples!

LOL, @saffisara found these one day!


@liberty-minded made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png

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