Here are The Contestants - To win One of Three Magical Steem Beans [ ENG | IND ]

To win One of My Three Steem Magical Beans
What are they? One February month #whalepower Register Membership Subscription

Credit Source

Read Here, the details , A Chance to Win One of The Steem Magical Beans
What If | You were Given Three Magical Beans??? In Whalepower

What If???


If you were to be Given Three Magical Beans, What do you with them?
Imagining this Beans are your Steems

  • write in your Own Post - What you will do with them?
    ( Be Creative , write 50 Words or more )
  • This Rules Reflex on your account. ( conditions )

This competition is open to Steemit / Whalepower Readers
Please answer below and get a chance to win February Month #whalepower Registered Subscription Membership.
( Three subscription given away )
( Competition closed 31 January 2018 )

Competitor only Allow to use One Tag Rules just #whalepower Tag or with Second Tag #whatif
for this competition and you are encourage to help others during this competition!

These are the Rules

  • You are Suppose to help others in this competition.
  • You are Encourage to help other Contestants during this competition.
  • Do Not keep your upvotes for yourself! Give generously to other contestant.
  • Audiences can leave a reply , Why this contestant should Win? Below my comment.


Ini adalah Aturannya

  • Anda juga ingin membantu orang lain dalam kompetisi ini.
  • Anda Dorong untuk membantu kontestan yang lain selama kompetisi disini.
  • Jangan menyimpan upvotes Anda! Berikan dengan murah hati kepada kontestan yang lainnya.
  • Audiens bisa meninggalkan balasan, Kenapa kontestan ini harus menang?

Pesaing hanya Izinkan untuk menggunakan Satu Tag Rules hanya #whalepower Tag atau yang dua #whatif
untuk kompetisi ini dan Anda mendorong untuk membantu orang lain selama kompetisi ini!


Bagaimana jika??

Jika Anda diberi Tiga Kacang Ajaib,
Apa yang akan kamu lakukan dengan Tiga Kacang Ajaib ini??
Pencitraan Kacang Ajaib ini adalah Steems Anda.

Menulis di Post Anda - Apa yang akan Anda lakukan dengan Kacang Ajaib?
(Jadilah Kreatif, Tulisan 50 Kata atau lebih)
Aturan ini Reflex pada akun Anda. ( kondisi )

Kompetisi ini terbuka untuk pembaca Steemit / Whalepower
Jawablah di Post Anda dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk memenangkan Keanggotaan Langganan Terdaftar Bulan Februari #.
(Tiga berlangganan diberikan)

(Persaingan ditutup 31 Januari 2018)

#whalepower Currently Promoting Reading / Writing

#whalepower A Project for Better Community

All #whalepower Contents / Images are Copy-Rights
If you want to use any part of this, please ask for permission first.

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Please Help them to ! Win! Be your Own Judges

Author by @tegoshei

Author by @acehnature
Please Retry

Author by @muna10
Please Retry

Author by @sokoloffa

Author by @siren7

Author by @ace108

Author by @war-tp

Author by @iqbalmuhammad

Author by @amuchtar

Author by @kayya.muleeya

Author by @commons

Author by @steemit-up

Author by @ettydiallova

Author by @nonasweety

Author by @bahtiarlangsa

Author by @gibran

Author by @harrylihardo

Author by @santiintan

Author by @dolles7

Author by @janes

Author by @ppagoda - Awarded with One Steem Magical Bean. ( Virtue Steem Magical Bean )

Author by @steemcleamer

Author by @jibja

Author by @mubarak

Author by @dhiki

Author by @browdarliz

Author by @smeet

Author by @pipit

Author by @dianrusdiana

Author by @doleno

Author by @kajaya

Author by @alinurman

Author by @chandrayunita

Author by @boyelleq

Author by @axsteem

Author by @grofer

Author by @saifulahtgk

Author by @jinotech

Author by @yeni

Author by @crofak

Author by @elshadr

Author by @cleavor

Author by @lavida

Author by @mnur

Author by @dawala

Author by @sky2sky

Author by @crishe

Author by @diananggraeni

Author by @israfuliqbal

Author by @alinurman

Author by @kajaya

Author by @doleno

Author by @maya-f

Author by @bambangsuraji

Author by @saifullahtgk Second Entry

Author by @novasurbakti

Author by @akar-rumput

Author by @overkil

Author by @nairadaddy

Author by @ponsaya

Author by @charta

Author by @radiv

Author by @irtiya

Author by @tjohan

Author by @jubelate

Author by @ratna87

Author by @coinfarmer :~ who is going be a Beanfarmer soon.

Author by @rahmanovic

Author by @taqdirul94

Author by @bookrak

Author by @hasmar

Author by @anto82

Author by @charlote : ~ Three Beans and $1 , You make me Smile

Author by @mesikelsembiring

Author by @wahyunibukhari

Author by @rismanrachman

Author by @akbarrafs

Author by @chairoeltks

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