"MrWang Videos" - #WhaleShares Video Contest - National Enquirer

Here's Your Chance To Show Why "MrWang Sucks"

MrWang Suxx.jpg

Create an original video post including "MrWang Videos" in the title and be sure to make the main hashtag is #WhaleShares. It's time to bash @MrWang any which way you can... The top 3 upvoted videos at the end of the 7 day period of this post, wins WhaleShares. Be creative or be mean... If you want some whaleshares jump on this video challenge. WhaleShares are only available thru our contest and giveaways and not yet traded on the DEX.

1st Place - 500 WhaleShares

2nd Place - 300 WhaleShares

3rd Place - 100 WhaleShares


I've already addressed the Elephant In The Room and have no intentions of answering any more questions.. It's time for YOU to be the National Enquirer and bust my chops. Let's see what you got!

Till Next Time...

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