Do you want a whale vote ? I will buy one for you ! Operation support + Whaleshares + help the minnows ! The Winner #1

Dear friends I got very inspired from several of the new projects in Steem, so I would like to introduce you my new support operation ! 

7 days passed really fast and we get a lot GREAT nominations .THANK YOU EVERY ONE !

The original post you can read here :


Today i am very happy to introduse you @cryptodog


This is some of his info :

 I work in the IT industry here, basically working on the Server side of things. Lately I'm training to be an Android Developer. I happened to have found Steemit only a couple of weeks ago, a bit late I know but as they say "Better be late than never". So I knew about Bitcoin for the past few years but never really looked into it. Finally one fine morning last month I noticed a headline somewhere about how exponentially Bitcoin was growing and that caught my attention. And From there I found coinmarketcap and then Steemit as it was listed on there. 

Even not so long in Steemit he made this :


He will resive the payments from the post - 25  SBD  PLUS i will buy him a WHALESHARE vote for his next part of the Steemit basics for newbies ! Enjoy !

If you still  have no idea what Whaleshares is chek this posts : 



I hope you like my idea for shering and you will support this project with comments and feedback ! And stay up for the next part !


                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me ! 

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