@Bitcoiner - Meet The Witnesses #34


#34 - @Bitcoiner

Bitcoiner is one of the oldest of our witnesses, having joined Steemit early enough to actually mine Steem via the CPU algorithm! In fact, one of his earliest posts was a report on his hash-rate for Steem mining on his i7 system, a processor particularly close to my heart.

Bitcoiner is one of our seemingly more organized witnesses. At his personal website, he hosts links to all his witness reports in chronological order, full node details, and a live node tester with the current block output highlighted. You can also see information on his PIVX, Peerplays, and SmartCash holdings and nodes. The site even contains a link to Bitcoiner’s hosted “test-mirror” of Steemit.com!


One of Bitcoiner’s earliest projects was a clickable bookmark link that allows you to swap from a Steemian’s profile on Steemit to the same profile on SteemD. He has worked on a number of other interface tweaks, including a random post selector, go-to-blog marker, and even a “floating upvote button” that scrolls with the article you are viewing!

Bitcoiner has also produced a number of other Steemit interface tweaks, such as a post-payout countdown timer, that I will not further detail here owing to the fact they have been rendered obsolete from being built into the Steemit interface itself. That alone suggest the value of the initial adjustments. Bitcoiner even created the code for a separate tab for Resteems in a blog, which regrettably, has still not been implemented, rendering same a treasured feature on ChainBB.

In short, Bitcoiner helped to develop or pilot a lot of features that we now take for granted on Steemit.com.

Last year, Bitcoiner was tapped, along with TimCliff, to re-write the Steemit welcome (landing) page. He also hosts and operates the website, SteemDown, a listing of which Steemit whales are currently powering down.

Bitcoiner is also a Peerplays (and PIVX?) “witness”.


Bitcoiner holds 19,000 SP and is NOT powering down.

Bitcoiner’s Current Witness Update: @bitcoiner/bitcoiner-witness-update-24-2017-06-25

Bitcoiner’s Original Witness Thread: @bitcoiner/bitcoiner-witness-thread

Bitcoiner’s Witness Update Site: https://steem.bitcoiner.me/

Bitcoiner’s Steemit Test Mirror: @bitcoiner/ann-test-bitcoiner-me-my-personal-steemit-com-test-clone-sandbox

Bitcoiner’s SteemD Bookmark Swapper: @bitcoiner/steemit-steemd-quickly-switch-between-steemit-com-and-steemd-com

Bookmark Swapper Firefox Fix: @bitcoiner/steemit-steemd-update-fix-for-mozilla-firefox

Random Post Selector: @bitcoiner/steemit-random-discover-a-random-post

“Go To Blog” Marker: @bitcoiner/steemit-gotoblog-easily-go-to-a-blog

“Floating” Vote Button: @bitcoiner/steemit-floatvote-because-voting-is-important

Bitcoiner’s Early Steem Mining Report: @bitcoiner/adventures-of-steem-mining-i-ve-been-working-on-the-blockchain

Bitcoiner’s Witness Questionnaire Response: @bitcoiner/bitcoiner-witness-questionnaire-responses

Resteem Tab: @bitcoiner/resteemed-tab-has-been-developed

SteemDown: https://steemdown.com/

Please see the acknowledgement post here.

If you have any additions or errata for this post, please let me know! I will see that they are voted to the top of the comments, and will make the appropriate edits (if possible).

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Almost 80% of Steemians do not vote! If you wish to make me your witness voting proxy, I will attempt to vote in Steem's best interest based on the information in my witness reports. You may set me as your proxy by clicking here and scrolling to the bottom of the Witness Voting page. Proxies are instantly revokable at any time.


Sources: @Bitcoiner
Copyright: @Bitcoiner, NewsBTC.com

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