DaVinci Witness Update #6 - Utopian.io Translation Rewards are Coming Back

We are thrilled and excited to announce the official launch of the Utopian.io Translation Category for the incentivization and reward of Open Source project translations fully managed by @davinci.witness.

image created by @pab.ink - sponsored by the davinci.art project

The translations category in Utopian.io was paused for a long time due to the extraordinary challenge involved in managing a team of translators and moderators for a growing number of languages. We at @davinci.witness decided to take on this challenge, and endeavour to create a global community of professional translators helping Open Source projects go global.

A few days ago, we began screening candidates for the role of Language Moderators [LMs]. This is a critical role on the team, since the LMs will be our gatekeepers for quality and the ones reviewing every contribution made to the translations category on Utopian in their respective languages. Alongside the selection of team members (LMs) be also started reviewing the applications of translators eager to be pre-approved to contribute (Translators [T]).

Our main challenge in the process was a “good” one as we found ourselves with a selection with great candidates to choose from. It was no easy task, but we are confident in the skills of the ones we selected.

We received 130 applications, from translators in thirty different languages and were both delighted and somewhat overwhelmed with the massive interest from the community.

In the reviewing process, candidates were asked to:

  • Publish a Steem post in [AP] with their application text in both English and their mother tongue.
  • Record a video or an audio track to check their level of proficiency in English.
  • Tag the post with, #davinci-application.

For maximum transparency, every application was also posted on the #job-application-room on the DaVinci community Discord.

Presenting: Our Community Managers [CM]

To start their work on the team, our CMs reviewed every single application submitted with great dedication and skill. Ensuring the activity of the team is smooth as the category grows, we’ve agreed to start with the following 5 Languages (and expand the list in the future) and selected the LMs to manage them.

*(Click on the link marked AP to see the candidacy posts)

Davinci.Witness team is pleased to have you in our project and wish you all the best!

Immagine CC0 Creative Commons, si ringrazia @mrazura per il logo ITASTEM.

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