Article - The old-fashioned Seven Wonders in the world: How our time must be understood from other times!


The architecture, the buildings and the statues in the world are famous several places. But how is world history for the Seven Wonders, and what and where can we perceive of things in the world today?

The Seven Wonders were structured as gifts to the world. Still, we think different things are special and a wonder of all we can see! But what are these wonders, and where can we see them? The Seven Wonders is a list over 7 man-made structures. The first one is the Great Pyramid of Giza. The pyramids were special buildings, and many researchers around the world have thought about how the pyramids were creating, and what made them so great in human history. The second wonder is the baby’s hanging gardens. These gardens were made great, and they contained different things that made them special, famous and large gardens. The third miracle was the colossus of Rhodes. We find many things in the world, and we must be carefully and thoughtfully when examining what we find. The Zeus statue in Olympia, is the fourth miracle in the world. Zeus is King of Gods, King of Heaven and King of Thunder! Hence, this statue in Olympia makes the world richer and better! And we must think about many things in human history and in world history! The fifth building wonder is the mausoleum in Halikarnassos. The sixth and great building wonders in the world is the Artemis Temple in Ephesus. This is a wonderful and special temple in the world. And the seventh wonder is the Lighthouse at Faros near Alexandria!

Many people have visited our earth through different times of living. And several of them are great! We have had people giving a difference to the world! And they have discovered different things and doing different things!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

Photoes from CCC (Content Creator Channel), by Ulla Jensen

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