Back From Hiatus! Confessions Of That Time I Accidentally Ended Up Working for a Drug Runner! šŸ˜©šŸ˜¬šŸ¤

Keep calm, it's BACK šŸ˜˜! I am such a tease, aren't I? I drop some crazy story on you then go MIA without telling you how it ends. Sorry about the small hiatus (that's the word for a break in oldendays TV talk! šŸ˜†)


I know it was a little while ago now, (TV series take a hiatus to build suspense), honestly, I did it without even meaning to! This story is so crazy to me, sometimes I completely forget that it was part of my reality! Luckily some of you asked me to keep telling you about it or I might have locked it away again! šŸ˜†

If you've been hanging around with me for a while, maybe you remember how I was telling you about the time I accidentally got myself all wrapped up working in a ridiculous mess down in Dominican Republic? It'll probably make you question what you're reading and will for sure make you think twice about accepting an online job if nothing else! Anyway, you've waited long enough, it's time for more of that story!

Recently (the time before last) I shared an extra episode, a background look into what was going on before this story happened but then we got back on track, into the heat of the jungle. Let me give you a snippet from the last episode to refresh your memory!


So what I know at this point is that these band of misfits are running a drug operation and Chris is on the run from the FBI because he killed someone in the USA and then fled the scene of the crime. The FBI had just caught onto him and had been looking for him so Kyle was organizing a get-away-escape plan for him using their drug boats. Kyle owed Chris money so Chris wouldn't leave without it, knowing he may never be back. Kyle didn't have the money and was on a thin leash with limited time to figure it out and get Chris out of there before everyone got caught.

I still liked my "the less you know" theory so I deliberately tried to avoid any compromising information, sure that I would be asked at some point.

"Listen to me, if there's anything you need to believe me about it's that you need to keep your mouth shut and you cannot tell anyone about this! They think you told your boyfriend last night and they drugged you! Just imagine what they will do to you if you try to run or go to anyone about this... you're lucky I checked on you this morning and covered for you. They aren't playing around... they won't think twice if it comes to hurting you. You need to be careful. You need to be on our side if you want to be safe. I don't want anything to happen to you. Please trust me..."

To be honest, I had no idea what any of this meant or what was going on, I was too overwhelmed to process and felt more like I was in a bad dream (mostly from constantly being drugged) completely disillusioned and disconnected from real life. It wasn't my business as far as I was concerned and plus I am no stranger to crime, I have seen the movies and read the novels enough to know that snitches get stitches so that wasn't happening regardless of whether I trusted Em's motives or not, I believed her about this and my mouth was going to be glued shut.

How's that for not boring? Let's see what happened next!

What would you be thinking right now? Seriously... think about the sheer and utter insanity of this situation. I wanted more than anything to wipe my hands clean of it, to never hear about it again, to pretend I was in a bad dream or possibly on the scene of some messed up reality TV show. I couldn't take any of this seriously for even a second because if I did, I started getting absolutely terrified out of my mind... and that lead me to some pretty risky moves so honestly, it was better this way.


After having some coconut water and managing with what seemed like too much effort to get a simple banana smoothie down, I began to gain my full consciousness back. Em had run cross the street and brought me back the yellow, hangover aid in what I guess was an attempt to prove her friendship to me. (Not the worst start...)

If it's not obvious yet, I am at my heart, too trusting and I am always trying to find the best in people but after so many times being lead astray, I was getting hard to play with and my heart was becoming less and less responsive.

There was part of me that was thinking "poor me" of course! Those days were being outweighed by the other half of me which had gotten so accustomed to this circus of a lifestyle that I had become basically immune to it all, almost expecting something to go wrong and was no longer too worked up about it. If I stopped long enough to think about anything all I could feel was the pain of my broken heart and the sting of the piled on hangovers, and I didn't want to acknowledge either whatsoever.


I'm going to be honest with you even though in the story my guard is up, I don't think Emily knew half of what was going on with the guys and definitely not any of the master plan to get Chris off of the island. Kyle and James had what I would call "crime mob" street smarts from years of living life on the edge and they sure as hell weren't going to be sloppy with something so serious. I knew both of them had criminal pasts but not much more about it. Something told me that this situation seemed a bit too normal for them. Not my cup of tea but, I was a blind monkey.

The guys, being big crime operators as they were, knew that if Em or I knew anything, their whole plan would be at risk and so, being in the know about not knowing what was going on was almost more daunting than knowing the whole thing. At least if I would have known, I could have used it as leverage to get myself out of there. I caught my mind wondering if the feds had noticed me yet and if they did, would they be able to get me out of this?

I'm being selfish again, I didn't really have anything invested and as much as it was clearly not ideal, I wasn't doing anything wrong and it's not like I had very much to go back home to. I really felt bad for poor Em. I know we've done this before in what ended up basically being the poor Em chapter, but seriously, her life sucked too... and so much more than mine. I wouldn't want my baby's daddy to be James, all caught up in who knows what, coming home who knows when and treating her however he felt like at the time. It was unbearable to witness and the poor girl was breaking down day by day.

Em and I really only had each other and since I was hurt more than anything else going on here could harm me, I needed her to lean on, she was all I had and more than that, she was willing to be there for me so what more could I loose? What could it hurt to give her some trust? She needed me too. It seemed like that's what fate had in store for us so I accepted it, once again.

i need you.gif

Once I could see clearly, we went down to the beach and were walking along with the dog and the baby as we explored the area in the sunlight for a change. Dominican Republic really is a beautiful paradise and I had been missing out on it, being asleep all day, drugged out of my mind for most of the sun's waking hours!

We ran into Adam who I suddenly became aware I hadn't seen in a while. He was shining with excitement. He was talking about djing the opening night at the club and apparently was out promoting it!

"You babes have to come out tonight and help us hype it up!"

Hmm... OK Adam, you seem to have conveniently forgot or neglected to notice all of the bullsht I have recently been hello to you too, you a$$hole.*

"I thought we were... waiting until you know..." Em was speaking through her closed teeth, looking around anxiously.

Adam looked up and down as if trying to find the answer outside of himself and then smiled widely at us both. Clearly no longer worried whatsoever about anyone else around, he talked outwardly with no reserve.

"Ya, no. Everything's cool babes. We're opening this Friday! I can't believe James didn't tell ya yet! We'll get some t-shirts for you to wear tonight. We have to hit the foam party up to promote the sh*t out of this! It's gunna be the illest!"

It's going to make me ill is all I could respond but it was only in my head... thank goodness.

He slammed down a bunch of fliers into the stroller while he tickled the babies feet then some cute blonds caught his eye across the beach and he ran off through the sand, fliers waving in hand to go 'collect' them for his upcoming show yelling goodbye to us over his shoulder.

"What in the hell is he talking about? I didn't think the club was opening because of the money...and umm... other stuff." Em said to me. Her face was all scrunched up and she genuinely seemed just as shocked as I was.

"Must have all sorted itself out then right?" I asked sheepishly, really wanting to avoid knowing anything else.

"Hmm... I guess so! Should we celebrate then?" She looked at me and winked. "I promise I'll keep an eye on you this time! We won't leave each other's sides! Besides, maybe they'll all be in better moods now!"


I didn't even have anything to say, I just kept pushing the stroller through the sand, watching the tires make marks in the white, flour-like substance beneath my feet.

"Girl, I know this hasn't been what you expected but you could still make the most of it! You're here in paradise! Don't you just want to enjoy it?" Em was twirling around in circles on the beach, face to face with the sun, as she began singing Miley Cirus at the top of her lungs.

Flash forward

We were sitting on the couch at Em's place, watching the baby crawl around on the floor whenever James came busting in the door.

He was looking around like a maniac and whenever his eyes caught the posters on the table, he grabbed them and started back for the door.

"Hey babe. 10 o'clock. You girls gotta get the shirts and be at the bar OK? I gotta go, we have to flier the town for the weekend! It's going to be so dope! K, see yaaa!"

Em opened her mouth to respond to him but he was already half way down the stairs before anything came out of her hanging open mouth.

"I guess we're going out tonight." She said to me, one eye raised with intrigue.

"Noooo thank you Em. I am not at all down to do that again. No chance."

"Babe, I hate to say this but you're staying here for free. You haven't had to work. You have to do this, it'll be so easy, that way they can't hate on you for not doing what you said you would... you seriously don't want to piss Kyle off and he's already mad that you haven't been working."

"Well, Em, I didn't sign up for being drugged every other night so forgive me if I am not so eager to go out into that scene again plus, I would be working if all this damn drama wasn't happening. Has anyone asked me how I like this?"

"No I know, it's not been ideal and I get you babe but I am just saying from Kyle's perspective you've been a mooch. Well anyways, what if we just pre drink here... that way we will have control over our drinks. We can order a new bottle of rum and have it delivered, then at least it'll be fun when we go. I'm not trying to go to that barf-bag bar sober, I don't know about you."

I thought about it. Sh*t, she was right. They were technically 'paying' my rent. It was part of my salary which I wasn't making but to be fair I wasn't working. I wonder if them drugging me counted as working... I would love to be working so I could buy myself the first ticket out of here. But even if I did get a ticket out, where would I go? I didn't really have anywhere to go... That was a depressing thought.

I guess her idea made sense. How could they drug me if I didn't have any drinks around them for them to drug? She was definitely right about not going sober to that bar. It was filled with spring breakers and stepping foot in there sober would be a nightmare. Plus, rum... Well, I like it, so, sure.

"Ya, OK. Well, get to it, order the rum then."


How do you think things are going to turn out?

I know you're probably thinking 'come on girl, don't be so stupid!', me too. But nothing made sense in those days.
Maybe I had too much sun. Either way, things are about to progress again. Will it be good or bad? You'll have to follow along to see!

We'll see what happens next during Confessions of That Time I Accidentally Ended Up Working for a Drug Runner!

If you've yet to read the series, here is the introduction, Welcome to DR, Part 1

Trying to Make Sense of Everything Going Wrong in Part 2
My Confusion and Panic in Part 3
My favourite, The Reveal (of the Terrifying Secret) Part 4.
An Intro to Kat Part 4.5
The More You Know Part 5
Kat Gone Wild Part 6
Kyle's Prisoner, Part 7
Adam's Drunken Incrimination Party, Part 8
Jailbreak, Part 9
Em's Perspective Part 10
They Found Us Part 11
Then That Happened Part 12
Flashback Pt 12.1
Snitches Get Stitches Part 13

If you're hanging by a thread and want to know the moment the next part is published, let me know in the comments and I will keep you updated!

A gypsy life bought to you by @heart-to-heart
From January 2014 I have been what you would call a vagabond, a nomad, even a gypsy by definition of the words. I had what they all have in common: no fixed home...and no fixed income but the wildest stories.

Until next time,


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