This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #10


This photo was provided by Ledd/Zepp's real-life mom (and my cousin) Thiella (aka Mamie)

Hey, Cloudheads! How was your week? Through every hardship, we need to stand tall and soldier on. Lots of references to cover here, but I would first like to give a special shoutout to my bro @verbal-d! He just recently caught up with this story, and he blitzed through it like a champ. You may know him from his lyrical rhymes and silky smooth beats, but he's also a loving husband and a dedicated father. To that end, he has created a song for his daughter @happyharmonymay which I think is one of his best songs to date. Please support him by transferring to his account, and please re-steem his latest entry. Let's make him trend so that the walls of Steemit would echo the greatness of @verbal-d!


So, my bro, @verbal-d surprised me with this wonderful melody that serves as an accompaniment to every chapter. I'm not gonna lie, this gesture really brought tears to my eyes. The wonderful melody coursed through the entire fiber of my being. It really captured the essence of this story quite perfectly even though @verbal-d still hasn't read the entire thing. Truly a masterpiece that I shall cherish for my entire life!

Have a listen to it here: @verbal-d/m-m-m-29-sliver-s-edge-of-ledd-s-silver-lining-collaborative-art-journey-with-everlove-original-beat

Upvote, resteem, make it trend and donate to my bro @verbal-d! Mind you, this was done without my knowledge and without any compensation :'D

Second thing I wanted to address is the relationship between Ledd and Teten. In real life, they're siblings with an 8-year age gap, I think. Around that range. Considering Zepp's special needs, Kirsten has taken on a huge responsibility of looking out for her little brother. It's hard for such a young kid to do so. I should know, since I'm the elder of two siblings. So, I just wanted to take this moment to commend her for doing an excellent job. Apart from taking care of her siblings, she's also averaging in the high 90s in school. And, not just any school, one of the premier science institutions in the country. There's a bright future ahead of her, and I wish her all the best.

In terms of the fallout from Zepp's running away, I don't really want to get into the details, but I think you can surmise what the reaction towards Kirsten was. Everything turned out fine, but emotions were high at the beginning. This was something I had a firsthand look at, since I stayed for a couple of nights during the fallout. When something bad happens everyone is affected, and no matter if someone didn't really do anything, the negative emotions are passed around. It's natural. That's how family dynamics works here.

You'll be seeing Ledd's ignorance in full force in this arc. Since he's done with trying to escape for the moments, we get to explore the inner confines of the prison compound. I'm not sure how you took the trinkets, but I meant it as toys.

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I had a bunch of them growing up, and they provided me my first attempt at creating worlds. My only regret is that I failed to keep them in great shape. Would've been awesome to hand it down to my future kids. That is, if they're not lined with lead (ugh, thanks a lot China!)

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Another notable misconception here is kibo ... I meant, keyboard. I really had a lot of fun playing around with how words sounded like, so I hope you would appreciate it in the following chapters. Zepp's dad is a transcriptionist by profession, so the keyboard is one of his most used tools. For someone who doesn't know it's function it could either be daunting or an amusing plaything. Zepp's at that age where he's more careful about handling stuff. It's a good contrast to another nephew/godson who routinely bangs my keyboard when he sits on my lap. He's 1.5 years old, so that's understandable.

Thank you all for your continued support of the series! We're almost at the halfway point :D

Here's a rare Zepp smile to show my appreciation for the new accompaniment music by@verbal-d!
FYI he seldomly smiles, so this is definitely a rare treat!


Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!


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