This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #17


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Hey Cloudheads :D This chapter broke the chain of below-100 vote posts that I recently had to endure. But, more importantly you guys returned after that Diego reveal!! Woohoo! Really though, the reads and comments are more important to me that the votes. I know that most of the votes are just automatic anyway. Just an advance apology, this SILVER LINING is a bit thin, partly because I didn't think people would come back after the Diego reveal haha!

Sucks about still not being able to edit after payout. That removed my coming next week warning for the remainder of the series. I just hope it gets restored, even temporarily, so I can modify a past one that has lapsed. Kind of destroyed the flow of the next button haha! Moving on...

Yeeeeaaaahhhh... You know what it is :/ This is another rounding out/partial chiasmus chapter that hearkens back to one of my favorite chapters that I've ever written. This time it's Mamie's turn to give a bath. If you could recall, Ledd mentioned before that he enjoyed Mamie's water treatment torture more because she was gentler. Well, Ledd, that was before you decided it was alright to run away!!

Seriously though, this was my attempt at scripting a melancholic bath time, which was the complete opposite of Chapter 3. Ledd's new strategy provided me with a new approach at handling the giants. Instead of openly defying them, Ledd is working behind the scenes to defeat them from within. I found it very intriguing, and this was influenced by the way Zepp looks. It's like he's always hiding something beneath his quietness.

When I read the SILVER LINING of that chapter (I'm not going to link it, not my proudest moment), I find it interesting to see how much my approach to Steemit has changed. I was so angry when I wrote it. Admittedly, the thing I ranted about still persists, but I don't feel the same way at all. I attribute it to the learning (and growing) I received under @lukestokes' tutelage. Now, I just laugh about all the rants that I've written before. Steemit's the same, I'm the one who's changed, and I've never been happier about it.

Since I wasn't able to discuss it further the last time, I wanted to reminisce about bath times when I was younger. I loved taking a bath. So much so that I spent countless hours in the shower. Wait a minute, that's wrong. I still love taking baths. I've heard quite a few complaints about how long I spend in the shower. Frankly, I don't care :D

I imagined whole worlds while I bathed. We didn't have a bath tub until I was in the sixth grade, so I was a shower guy growing up. I flooded the area by filling a timba (a large pail or bucket) and plugging it on top of the drain.

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My mother always scolded me whenever I sat down on the pool. She threatened that worms and bacteria that were floating in the water would crawl up my asshole. So, I didn't sit, and instead swam in that one foot pool. Good times!

Eventually, my love for water translated in a swimming career, but that's a story I already told in a different post ;)

I really miss showering with my mother and father. I remember loving how the water flowed down their skin and into mine while I hugged them. I remember running and slipping on the tiled floors. I remember being fascinated at my pruned skin caused by prolonged exposure to water. What was your favorite memory growing up? Does it have anything to do with the water? Leave them in the comments! :D

I'm off to take a shower now!

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!


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