This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #16


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And, just like that, the overarching mystery has finally been uncovered. I should've put a warning there that it was the chapter where I jump the shark. I'm packing things up and I'm heading off to a deserted island now. Thank you for all the support, Cloudheads. It's been fun! :D

Seriously though, I never expected to reveal this much this early. We have 6 more chapters to go, and I don't know how to end this more effectively. The mystery is gone, and I am left to deal with the real world drama. Frankly, I'm a bit terrified at this point. It's good thing that it's nighttime, and I could write whole chapters of Ledd sleeping, dreamless. That's it! Spoiler Alert: The next six chapters are just blank chapters, so move along people!

Finally, I'm going to have bullets for my fight against people who complain that my posts are too long. It'll just be the usual prompt with the cover, and that's it. It's like a weight has been finally lifted from my shoulders! Nothing more to see. Thanks for coming folks!




Oh you're still here? You're probably wondering who that Diego fellow is. Is that right? Well, of course, it's none other than...

Diego the Explorer!

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¡Hola amigos!

That turned out like a "Who's that Pokemon" reveal! I bet @ryivhnn got it right! :D

Does that help in putting the pieces together? Well, what about that channel with the golden "H"?

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Ding! Ding! Ding! Winner winner, chicken dinner!

I initially thought of going into detail about the effects of TV on children, but I guess everyone and their dogs all know about it. You can find countless studies on the internet proving my claim. Heck, I don't even need to claim it! You probably experienced it first hand or with your kids!

Children are impressionable, and it goes double for children with special needs. Thankfully, there's stricter censorship these days. Back when I was a kid, that PG warning at the bottom was just like an advertisement you don't notice. Fortunately for me, I didn't get screwed up (that much), and as much as we try to laugh about this, there have been serious cases of people who were mentally warped by digital media. It could've been completely avoided had their parents spent more time with them instead of plopping them in front of the TV for the whole day.

In Zepp's earlier years, his parents' busy schedule made this almost unavoidable. But, as his condition showed, the way they raised him improved. Physical activity, mental stimulation and other educational things have been provider for our little warrior.

Admittedly, Diego (or even Dora) the Explorer was way past my time. The other influences I used (like Avatar: The Last Airbender), however, were things that I was able to view first hand. There was a version of the story where Samurai Jack was the main influence, but then it would've had such a drastically different plot. A Day in the Clouds wouldn't even have been the title!

Let this be a reminder for all of you parents of young children. Make time for your kids. When they grow up and start being preoccupied by other things, you're going to miss them when they were still craving for your attention.

I can't believe that there are only seven more chapters until this story wraps! Time flew by so quickly!! Now that one of the bigger questions have been answered, I promise that for the next arc, it's going to be less mystery and more history. Hmmm... what could it all mean??

Were you let down by the big reveal? Will you come back for the next chapter? Do you want me to slam my face with a pie? Because I really would. Slam me in the comments section. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for reading! Follow me, @jedau, if you want to live.

Leave this post a feedback, and I'll be sure to return the favor!


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