This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #3


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Hey Cloudheads! I hope you're enjoying the journey so far. As you may have noticed, I've uploaded the posts 2 days later than usual. I love experimenting, so I did it as a means to try and draw in more votes. So far it has worked, so expect a more fluid schedule in the coming weeks. For the sake of some consistency, they will be constrained to Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays (GMT+8).

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but our hero doesn't think so. My mother would definitely laugh at me when she reads this chapter, because when I was a kid, I was the hardest person to feed in the entire world! I would always be off exploring after every bite, forcing them to chase after me until they got tired. Everyone would be finished, yet I still haven't reached the halfway mark. I'm amazed that my mother didn't have a period when she was bald.


Noticed any pop culture references yet? :D (Image Source)

How about Eddie, huh? It's unfortunate that he won't feature much in the story, because he was still a wee baby at the time. I made Eddie an amalgam of Zepp's younger brother Vedder and my own little sister. It was hard growing up next to someone cuter and more easily liked. I wasn't my sister's biggest fan back then is what I'm trying to say. Suffice to say, Ledd's thoughts of Eddie are also an amalgam of my thoughts toward my sister and what I perceive Zepp's thoughts are based on his hostile actions toward Vedder. It's not all bad though, they have since mellowed out, and are getting along quite nicely nowadays.

The other new characters introduced here are my aunt (Lowla), uncle (Lowlow), cousin (Ari) and his girlfriend (Doma). Lola and Lolo are honorifics for grandparents in Tagalog. They literally translate to "grandmother" and "grandfather", respectively. Their real names are Ella and Tito (which is an honorific for "uncle" as well haha but his real name is Aristotle), that's why my cousin's name is Thiella, an amalgan (yet again) of their names. Ariel (yet another amalgam!) is Thiella's younger brother and my older cousin, and Donna is his live-in girlfriend.

I hope you're enjoying the story so far, and I thank you all for your continued support. Now that my Curie qualification has passed and I did not make the cut for Steem Guild, Zepp and I are going to need all the help we could get in filling up our viento! :D

The Purpose

While they haven't posted an introduction or verification, I can assure you that @zeppelin is the official account you can send money or well wishes to. I have no control over that account, and I'm not running a scam on it, if that ever crossed your minds. I'm just a simple storyteller hoping to use my craft to help other people -- in this case my nephew who has Global Developmental Delay. I'd like to think of him as not having a delay, but trying to gain momentum for when he eventually launches forward!

Thanks for reading! Follow me @jedau for stories, solutions and other stuff that begin with 'S'!


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