This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapter (and its second part) before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #4


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Hey Cloudheads! Woah boy, what a doozy! Initially, I didn't want to break any chapters up into parts, but at the sage advice of the spectacular @ezzy, I decided that it was something worth doing. This chapter is the longest chapter of the story, so that would give you a clear outlook regarding the next parts. There are one or two more long chapters that I would break into two, and that's about it.

But aren't both parts of Chapter 5 still super long? I know, I know. Yeah, you're right, figment of my imagination. I admit that both parts are still indeed longer than usual, but that's because I didn't initially write A Day in the Clouds for Steemit. While I tried to trim it as best as I could, dividing it into two parts made the most logical sense without taking away from the story. I thank you whoever stuck with it and finished both parts! I really wish I could give you a medal or something. Really though, I just wish this chapter didn't turn off potential readers :s

Okay, so this chapter introduced Mawmah (based on my paternal grandmother), Nehney (based on my aunt) and Ayesa (based on my niece). While they don't play super pivotal roles in the series, I wanted to add them in to complete the whole picture. They live in the middle for- er, house in the housing compound. It's where I stay whenever I visit the province and it's also where my father grew up, so I wanted to give a shoutout to that place. Nowadays, my grandmother, my aunt, my uncle and my niece Ace live there, while my aunt Ella (Zepp's grandmother) and my uncle Jemmo live in the adjacent houses.


I wanted to take this opportunity to talk a little about my (probably, favorite) niece, Ace. Initially, she had a greater role in the story, but her part was diluted because I took a different direction. In any case, I just wanted to include her in the story in whatever capacity. I'm very close to my younger cousins, and I had a hand in raising almost all of them. While they grew up and completely forgot my role in their lives, I'm still giving myself some credit for contributing in shaping them. (All of them went on to get multiple awards in school!) I consider Ace as my favorite because we didn't have the best start to our relationship, but I kept at it and she eventually warmed up to me. She's almost the same age as Zepp (she's older by a few months), and she's just this tiny bundle of unbridled energy. Always cheerful and full of wonderment, she's that kind of kid whose light never seems to dim. I love her and I just wish that I could always be there for her whenever she needs me.


Here's proof of the bow and arrow, and the Merida analogy!

What was the explosion at the back of the compound? Is Ledd really getting his powers back? Where does Teten's allegiance lay? Tune in next week for some answers to these questions! Thanks for stopping by! :D

The Purpose

As promised, the donations are being sent to the @zeppelin account after every payout of A Day in the Clouds and Silver Lining. You can check it out if you want proof, or if you want to send in your donations. I asked my cousin if she could post an introduction, but she and her husband are super busy with work and raising the kids, so it's understandable that they don't have the time to spare. Full disclosure, I don't have control or access to the @zeppelin account, so all the activity there are purely theirs. I'm just sending the earnings, and would be helping them whenever they intend to cash out.

Thanks for reading! Follow me @jedau for stories, solutions and other stuff that begin with 'S'!


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