This is a complementary series for the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the latest chapters (Part 1 and Part 2) before you read this post to avoid spoilers.

<< #5


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Hey Cloudheads! I hope this greeting finds you well. So sorry for breaking a chapter up into two parts again. I felt so bad as I literally sliced my chapter in two. It's as if my soul was cut in half. It was a last minute decision, and the cut was uneven because it was meant to be read at once. There was no other logical point to cut it, so I made do with what I have. Ultimately, the decision to divide it was influenced by the average Steemit readers' admittedly short attention span.

All in all, the decision turned out to be a great one! The highest grossing chapter to date. The earnings completely surprised me. 6.942 SD, 38.024 STEEM, and 88.724 STEEM POWER. I know it's not a lot, but it's the highest that I've gotten for this series so far. And, of course, because I greeted it, next chapter is going to be the lowest earner haha! I just hope that people would tune in though, because next chapter is going to be one of the most pivotal of the whole story.

In any case, this chapter dealt with a very scary event that happened not too long ago. While the children where nowhere near the area, the septic tank in the backyard did indeed collapsed and formed a small sinkhole. Just to remind you, the setting is in the province, and the septic tank was really old. It collapsed because it was rusted out, and the weight of the soil and cement above it became too much for it to bear. Thankfully, no one was hurt by that.

I wasn't there when it happened, so I just relied on my cousin's tale. It was a harrowing experience, for sure. A loud thud from out of nowhere would give anyone a hell of a scare! I'm trying to find pictures, but I can't seem to find them. I guess you just have to take my word for it regarding this one. All's well and good now though. The hole had been fixed almost immediately, and the area has been secured in case the kids would be playing in the vicinity :D

The Purpose

I don't have an exact tally of how much this series has earned, but you can check @zeppelin to see all my transfers to it. Currently, it's performing way below expectations, but I'm holding out for hope. I still have faith in the goodness of people, and I hope that one day it would be backed by reality. As of writing, I still don't have a handle of how to succeed in Steemit haha! It's funny because people who've been here in far lesser time have earned and achieved more. While I'm happy for them, I'm a bit saddened that the blessings haven't trickled my way. I've just gotten my final (for realz) Curie vote for Part 2 and have been promoted to 63 rep after being stuck at 62 rep for what feels like ages, and I have yet to achieve a stable following. I won't stray though, and just keep my focus. Quality over quantity :D

Thanks for reading! Follow me @jedau for stories, solutions and other stuff that begin with 'S'!


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