The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Nine

Cont. from Part Eight or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

The sun was just starting to appear on the horizon and a pleasing cool salty breeze blew in from across the ocean. Valar felt alive, the wind and the view particularly spectacular this morning.

They assembled at the holding point near the  small harbor bridge, all soldiers primed and in full battle Armour, Valar and his troop awaiting Jakkars command. 

He was nervous about being on a boat again, it had been many years. Confident in his battle skills like the others in the troop he was eager for his first battle, but the thought of traveling across the ocean did not hold appeal.

The order was given and they all boarded the old barge, Six boats in total would head to Chad to provide the desperately needed re-reinforcements, it was unlikely any future re-reinforcements of this size would be sent again... it would be their last chance to lift the siege.

Each boat was crewed by a small team, some ship's hands and a Captain, each perspective Captain giving the order to set sail, once the troops were on board and properly seated.

There was little room and soldier’s battle Armour clanked, and clanged as shield and sword brushed against each other, the solders packed in.  The boat rocked dramatically even while at dock, after taking his seat, Valar fought back the urge to be sick.

The main sails dropped and within moments the boats were on their way… hardly an armada, family members waiving as they departed towards the rising sun, it wasn’t long and their home would be a distant spec on the horizon, they would reach Chad in less then a day. 

As the sun rose, so did the temperature. Water skins were passed up and down the lines to keep soldiers hydrated and battle ready, steel on steel clanging as soldiers struggled to move about. They sat uncomfortably and mostly in silence, little discussion was had outside the ship crew taking orders from the Captain.

After just a few hours aboard Valar felt the rocking had significantly increased, a soldier seated on the end of the same row threw up on the deck, making him feel even more green.

He noticed a dark storm seemed to be approaching on the horizon from the East. He watched in awe as the massive storm front rolled in, now he could see lightening hitting the sea as the clouds gathered and darkened.

The storm forming fast and heading straight at them, he could feel the others moving uncomfortably on their seats and more soldiers gave up their breakfast to the waves… they still had hours to reach Chad and this ship was too small to handle such a storm.

The crew now being bellowed at by the Captain with a sense of urgency, performing their duties with haste and panic response in their voices. 

The storm front would hit soon....surely they would all drown. 

Cont. to Part Ten here

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