The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Ten

A new chapter – Dreams or reality

Cont. from Part Nine or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Nathan slowly opened his eyes, he was sitting up in his meditation position.   

One minute he was in Augra, now suddenly back into normal reality and trapped in the tiny cramped cave again.   Had it all been a dream?

No it was real, he moved his right arm... No pain.  He wiggled his fingers it was all working again. His wounds healed, his hunger and thirst gone as well.   

His mind shifted back to Sharee and his strange attraction towards her. Who was the strange beautiful creature from his dream? where had she gone?... would he see her again.   

“Snap out of it Nathan” he said to himself out loud.   

Instantly he remembered the necklace, he was still holding it in his hand. He opening his fingers slowly, the shard glowed a light green colour…it definitely had not been a dream.   

..Regardless there was little he could do now,  he stood up slowly, barely able to stand to full height in the cave, he slipped his broken shard necklace off his neck and put the green shard necklace around his neck instead. The old necklace he would keep, slipping it into his hidden robe pocket.    

Above his head a beam of sun light broke through the cave entrance, he didn’t know how much time had passed, but it was much brighter then he remembered, he glanced up at it.. he would dig his way out.   

He started to shift the rock around him to make a natural stand to climb and get out, but there wasn’t much space to move around in the dark. Peering in the dark for more rocks, he noticed his glow stone in the dirt.   He knelt down to pick it up and as he placed it into his pocket he noticed the skeleton remains now spread out over the cave floor. 


He wondered for a moment who this person was, but quickly dismissed the thought, focused on escape he went back to scavenging  for every rock.

He pilled the rocks, but It wasn't high enough...still he would try.  He stepped up on the rock pile and pushed up with his hands to widen the opening above. 

The opening widened a little letting in more blinding sun light, at the same time a mixture of vegetation and dirt fell on his head and some into his mouth,  he uncontrollably sneezed.   

“hehehe...” came a small voice from no general direction. 

Was he going mad?who was that?...he recognised the tone, he had heard this voice before.  

“Shhareeee...” he spoke out load nervously, feeling quite odd talking to no-one in particular, looking around the cave.

“Yes master, I am here” The voice of Sharee spoke softly, he realised it wasn't coming from anywhere within the cave....but from within his own head. 

“I…I don’t understand Sharee, where are are you in my head?” 

“We are bonded now....we are one!” wispered the voice of Sharee, again from within his own mind.

He considered he was crazy for a moment, but dismissed this thought and continued,

“Does this mean you can hear everything thing I say?”   

“Yes” replied Sharee again the voice coming strange like an echo from within his own head.

“I...I...Does this means you can read my thoughts? like.. feel everything I feel?"

“No, not really read your thoughts….but I can feel your pain, sensations of the physical form”   

“What does that mean?!!” said Nathan now becoming confused and concerned about talking to someone trapped inside his own head.

“It means Master,  if you feel pain... so do I, that is all”  

“Does this mean your trying to possess me? like take control of my body...are you attacking me!”. 

“No I am just... with you, connected through the Shard Master".

".... as I am one with the are one with me”  

Cont. to Part Eleven here

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