The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part fifty

Cont. from Part Forty Nine or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

It had been several hours now since leaving the warmth and safety of  the keep. 

The lord was obviously very familiar with surviving in the  forests,  Valar could barely keep up and had to ask to stop twice to  drink from a stream and have something to eat…while the Lord had nothing at all.   

After awhile they stopped and  pulled up some logs and shared each others stories.  It was clear now  they both had a similar story, both were trained to be fire mages but  through random event were not able to claim their rights,  both now are  told they are destined to be trained in something else.  

The  fire burned brightly and he could see that the Lord was not in a  trance, so he thought he might try again for more information.  

“I  still don’t understand, why do you think I am a balancer and why can’t I  learn magic?” he asked poking the fire with a stick then looking up to  meet the Lords eyes.  

“Valar..I was trained to in the arts  of fire magic and like you I was denied the chance to bond with a fire  shard…I have realised now, this was a blessing”.  

“..Are you saying I’m blessed because I can learn no magic at all?”  

“No I’m saying we need to trust  Sharee, she has unlocked your skill, and you simply need opportunity to learn it”.  

“..But how? how can I learn it when I don’t know what it is and I don’t have an instructor”.  

This time the Lord didn’t respond immediately, instead looking deep in thought as he stared into the fire.  

“An  opportunity will present itself we must have faith. .I haven’t been  able to make contact with Sharee since…our visit to the Augra, the  process of unlocking your skill has left her incredibly weak.”  

They  both paused to look out at the sun setting over the tree tops, he could  sense something unusual an intuition something was nearby. 

The  silence was interrupted by a sudden out burst of commotion to the far  east, a flock of birds squawked as they raised the alarm. This was  closely followed by the clash of steel and  people screaming.  

They watched on for awhile and the commotion continued a small trail of smoke was all the signs of a fresh battle.  

“Well we aren’t getting much done here, so lets split up and get a closer look…we will meet back here in say… one hour?”   

Before he could respond,  the Lord leapt to his feet and disappeared into the nearby wilderness. 

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