The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Forty Nine

Cont. from Part Forty Eight or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

It was a beautiful morning, the sun was just beginning to rise and the scene was quite beautiful, Valar  felt invigorated. 

The strange evening before now a distance memory, he could  recall only a few moments of what it was like... his memory  was slowly being erased. Regardless he felt great today and the thoughts of the battle filled his mind. 

He stood with a number of Officers,  they were all in full Armour and ready and eager for a fight. The General and EM stood out the front while Nathan gave a.... mildly  inspirational speech.

He didn’t care for speeches, and today he just wanted to kill some  enemy soldiers.  

When the orders came to move out, he wasn’t sure  where his position was among the ranks now, several 100 regulars  mostly spear man filled the ranks...It wasn’t a huge army, but it was an  army.  

“Valar!, over here” Nathan called out.  

Squad sergeants bellowed out orders and soldiers scurried to take their positions, he struggled to make out Nathan from the crowd. No one was issuing him  orders so,  he pushed his way through the ranks and casually walked his way  over to where he heard the familiar voice.  

“What is it Nathan?…I’m keen to split some enemy heads”  

“I know you are Valar but we aren’t going with the troops”  

He was shocked, why would they not be going with the army? They were already outnumbered 10-1 and he was probably the best fighter they had.

“I don’t understand?”  

“We need to run an errand before we re-join them in a day or so.”  

“Errand, what errand?”  

“It will take them a good couple of days to reach the enemy Strong hold  Valar and then a day or more to setup siege and have pre-war discussion..don't worry we  will join them before the fighting starts. Anyways, this way” said  Nathan walking swiftly the opposite direction of the marching troops.  

This behavior was outrageous, what kind of leader wouldn’t march out with their own troops?still he felt now he could trust this man and so he would follow...for now.

“Where are we going?” he cried out running to catch-up.  

“To complete your training Valar, Sharee’s orders!” replied Nathan with a wink. 

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