The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Fifty One

Cont. from Part Fifty or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Valar could smell the unmistakable aroma of burning human flesh.

It  wasn’t hard to sneak up on the battle, he just followed his nose and the sound of the screaming.  

He kept himself low and crept in as close as possible hugging the trees for cover along the way. Now much closer he could peer through the bushes and trees to see a small clearing ahead... it looked like  a road, the smoke was from a carriage that was overturned and set on first glance perhaps  a  transport caravan was being attacked by bandits.

A few bodies lay on the road... armed guards belonging to the caravan? perhaps cut-down by the attack.

He observed quietly and in a short time a group of soldiers came into view, they looked like regulars, very well equipped they seemed to be spreading out and searching the bodies and carts for loot. 

He wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying, he would move in...carefully. 

Perhaps these were the troops of a neighboring Lord? No wonder this provenance  was so poor, the local merchants weren’t only being taxed to death but  they were being mugged as well!

Then more screaming, he could also make out sobbing, it looked like it was coming from behind an overturned cart... The sound now unmistakable,  some of the soldiers were  assaulting a women, this wasn’t a mugging this was just cruel and criminal. 

He gritted his teeth, this wasn't his fight...yet, he couldn't just sit and do nothing.. 

Then he noticed a difference in uniform come into view, there  seemed to be two monks in charge wearing unusual robes..they were barking  orders and inspecting the loot being put into bags...they had either no concern or were not aware what the soldiers were doing.... No, they knew, one had a ridiculous grin when he looked in direction of the screams.

...Where was that damn Lord Nathan? maybe together they could do something here

A new commotion came from further down the road, more screaming and yelling, this time male voices..he couldn’t make out what It was but one of the monks  was bellowing new orders and the vast majority of the soldiers seemed to run towards the commotion.

...was it Lord Nathan? regardless there were only a few left now, he could take them out and give the people of the caravan a chance to escape. 

He set his eyes on one of the Monks and slowly drew his  sword, he would end the monk's life momentarily.

Standing up from behind his cover he prepared to charge, but he had a strange something else was wrong here? where had the other monk gone?

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