The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Fifty Two

Cont. from Part Fifty One or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Valar  stood  ready to charge, but his intuition kicked in and so instead he spun around  quickly to check his flank, lucky he did...the other monk had sneaked up on  his position.

The monk closed the gap his sword drawn, his red cloak catching on the surrounding bush as he charged.

The  sneak attack was a surprise,  but he was not new to a fight and  he slid  into a defensive stance, sword to the centre of his body and eyes locked  on his new opponent.

The  monk wasted no time, he lunged aggressively jabbing at his face with  his long sword….this monk was fast, but Valar was faster, his position  and sword in defensive position easily able to deflecting the blow pushing it to the side and  striking back with equal force. 

The  monk recoiled his sword and blocked the counter attack, he grimaced and  fell back the element of surprise clearly lost.  The monk smiled  viciously  and moved to strike, swinging wildly from the left and the right, he was able to  parry, but the blows hit with such force when their swords met the edges  bite into each other,  leaving massive groves where they had struck.

He  tried to weigh up his opponent, he was of a much larger frame, much  stronger and he seemed to be wearing an armour plate underneath his  robe, this was not a typical monk… was that a fire shard he could make out around his neck.

Sizing  his opponent had slowed his moves, the monk seeing the weakness pressed  his attack, stabbing at Valar's neck, a technique he had experienced  before in this region. He hit the ground in a front roll, then standing quickly slashing at his  opponents ribs as he made his way back up the other side. The blade  seems to make contact, but inflicted no damage, gliding against the cloth  and armour of the foe, it’s easy forward motion indicating to him it did not find flesh… another opportunity lost.

He  turned, straight back into the same defensive stance only to find he  suddenly faced both monks…what manner of magic were they using to sneak  up? It mattered little they were both here now and both staring at him with evil intent.

The  new monk was just as large, his weapon was different though, some kind  of  large broad sword, this fight just became more challenging.

Both  monks stared at each other smiled and  attacked simultaneously,  stabbing and slashing anyway they could. The attacks were vicious and  fast as normal to fighters of this region,  familiar with this he fell back while he parried,  ensuring an additional strike wasn’t possible with out his foes moving  forward. 

He  was offered no break each attacking more ferociously with each missed  blow.   he was able to deflect with fluent sword movements, and  maintaining his stance while retreating under the barrage…he was in control of the fight, they just  didn’t know it yet.

One  of the monk seemingly furious launched himself in the air and performed  a wild swing towards his head while the other attacked straight for his  throat… the move was brilliant and well rehearsed, it was clear these two had practiced  this to a fine art. 

There  was no way to block both and continue his retreat in the same way, so   he chose to block neither, leaning back on a near impossible angle and   rolling his body to the right allowing both swords to swing by harmlessly a close shave,  but perhaps leaving one of his opponents exposed.

Kicking  his legs back into the air, he performed a combat stance change and  moved into an aggressive position, this  allowing him to reposition out  of his awkward dodge and stab forward, his target the exposed leg of the first monk.

The  slash was quick, but it was enough to hit bone and bite flesh, he  pulled the sword back and swung back for a shot at the second monk but  the blow was easily diverted… 

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