The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Forty

Cont. from Part Thirty Nine or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

Nathan naturally dropped to one knee to avoid the blow and at the same time pushed the vines up with his mind, carrying the balancer away. 

....But It was way too late for that, the sword had hit it’s target and as the balancer was swept away the sword was dragged  out from his shoulder, finally slipping free to land upright in the earth below.

There was a warm sensation, it was the flow of his own blood. 

The blow must have missed anything important it wasn’t a gush, just a rush…but it hurt like hell   

After just a short moment of intense pain, both the pain and bleeding dissipated.  

“I have stopped the bleeding master” announced Sharee proudly  

The battle was over and from behind him he could hear the familiar sound of troops, it was the guard from the front gate....perhaps responding to the noise or was the attack over already?  

“Wait! I want no one harmed” he exclaimed, seeing the gaurds running towards the immobilised attackers 

Returning to his feet he closed his eyes and concentrated on his powers. 

He dug deep into his own energy reserve and connected with Sharee, she understood what he wanted and added her power to his own.  His mind strings released, a million in number he connected with all nature around him, the plants, the people, everything and simultaneously as well.   

He spoke to all the elements, he could even feel the nature inside the people as well. He could feel the minds of the people wrestle for control, but he was stronger... he was growing much stronger every day   

He opened his eyes and with a blink, everyone lost control of their hands and dropped their weapons…..Still, Sharee was right he couldn’t even connect to the balancer, it was like he wasn’t even there

Outside of the balancer he released those caught by root or vine. The plants return to the earth as asked. Everyone was clearly shocked, guards and attackers alike, it was an awesome display of power...he could hardly believe it himself.    

He took a deep breathe, somewhat weakened by the spell, then confidently stepped towards the balancer.

 “Now, let’s talk about what the hell is going on here?”  

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