The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Thirty Nine

Cont. from Part Thirty Eight or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

The large man rippled with muscle screamed, dropped his shield and sprinted at Nathan waving his crude axe in hand.  

The mans velocity was unexpected as a large guy he moved unnaturally fast and the gap was soon closed quickly.

Using  his mind strings, Nathan tapped into his nature magic abilities once  more to form a small suspended ice shard, he released it quickly.  

It  hit the large man hard in the left shoulder, the powerful magic knocking  him off his feet and sending him hurling and spinning into the air. The man finally hit the ground hard, rolled and came to a full stop... Some  how his axe was still in hand.  

“It’s ok master... he still breathes” whispered Sharee, her voice in his head soothing as always.  

He  examined the battle field all opponents were caught in a web of  vines;some screaming, some crying, one  still holding a sharp sword  chopped at the vines…they would free themselves before long.  

“Look out my lord!” screamed Exlar

Shiny  armour caught his eye to his left, it was the balancer. Incredible,  this guy had some how flanked and was now in a determined full charge 

As before, but less urgently Nathan created an ice shard and released  it through the air. 

To his astonishment just as ice made it’s  target the balancer brought his shield forward perfectly to absorb the  magic blow….Impressive!....he had never seen someone move so quickly  against a magic spell, perhaps Sharee was right?

The  shield flung out of the balances hand, frozen and covered in ice…the  hit clearly causing pain but not slowing him down. With a final scream  the balancer launched himself into the air, both arms on his sword coming down with a powerful stretched out overhead strike.   

Nathan  now had no time to react, so he defended with  another faithful  entanglement spell, but  it was too late.  The sword came down hard and cut deep, the pain was sudden,  intense, the blood warm and excessive. 

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