The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Forty Eight

Cont. from Part Forty Seven or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Nathan had no idea what to expect next... no one had seen such a thing for an eon.

The screams were deafening and difficult to take, but he resisted the urge to intervene...Sharee had told him to observe Valar's transformation and not interfere, so he would do what he was told. Streams and streams of light, fine tentacles stretched out and tore into the flesh of was a disturbing scene, but he could do nothing but watch.

The light waves seemed to be dancing off Valar's skin, his flesh now peeled back, bone and muscle exposed the tentacles probed, with each touch released a fresh scream of agony... he was being torn inside out.

Suddenly the light disappeared and Valar was whole again, not the inside out version, just the regular normal him again. For a moment Nathan thought he could sense the presence of a new consciousness, something born of the intense magic, something magic... but it was gone now.

Sharee collapsed the spell taxing and the sky spiraled...and in an instant they were back in the keep standing in the same position before they had entered the Augra.

Valar was shaking, he slowly moved his hands to his face.

"What happened...what is happening to me?"

"...Easy Valar, you need to rest now. Sharee told me this process would take allot out of both of you...but I never imagined!".

"Yes, I'm so tired...I will go to sleep...I feel so strange...the pain, the pain is gone?"

With this the balancer left the room, a different being from when he entered earlier that day. 


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