The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Forty Seven

Cont. from Part Forty Six or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

This time it was night in the Augra, the stars were amazing and the light appeared to flow from them illuminating, the whole forest landscape.  Valar stood in front of him a shocked look on his face, Nathan could hear him gasp as Sharee approached.  

“What is this place?... what kind of magic trap is this?”  

“This is not a trap, this is the Augra” replied Sharee in her most soothing voice.  

Valar seemed to be taking in the surroundings, he rubbed his eyes as his mind accepted the truth of the change in surroundings.

“Master  we have little time, while I was able to bring you both here, a  balancer is by nature anti magic, he cannot remain here long”.  

“..balancer?” responded Valar interested in the remark.  

“There  is little time to explain, this beautiful creature before us is Sharee, she is  powerful in nature magic. You need to trust and listen closely" explained Nathan

"In  our reality magic is two extremes, destruction through fire magic and life though nature magic..then there are balancers.It’s been an age since a balancer has walked your reality, but I have found one” declared Sharee proudly.  

“..But I was trained to be a fire mage, I just couldn’t grasp it” replied Valar  

“And  you never would, as a balancer you can’t cast magic spells. However, if your  mind is opened you can understand it, deflect and manipulate it, this is very different to casting spells" continued Sharee

Valar continued to look unconvinced.

"To do this you must  be exposed to a moment of extreme magic, either fire or nature. Valar  I’m not going to lie this is going to hurt, but if you let me show you true nature magic it will unlock something special in you.  This is the closest thing to a magic spell a balancer may learn. Do you  accept this gift?”  

“Ok, then I accept!”  

Sharee closed  her eyes and Nathan watched as the familiar tentacles of nature magic erupted around her, they seemed  to move in slow motion, then in a flash they engulfed Valar.  

Valar screamed in agony as he felt his flesh slowly melt.


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