The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Forty One

Cont. from Part Forty or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

A New Chapter - A common foe!


Valar was suspended in the air completely entangled in vines, there was no escape. 

He was trained in all forms of combat including defense against magic.  He was ready for the fireball, but instead of fire he met ice, some how he survived, but now this?

He had drawn blood, yet his opponent still stood and more, was now able to ask questions – this had not gone to plan at all. 

Surrounding and storming  the keep, flanking and making a final leap had taken everything he had, all his strength, all his training,  if his opponent was a mortal... he would be  dead!

....Was this a dream? could this be real? such magic was the thing of legend...was he facing a god?

The morning sun was rising now, the mission a failure, his people doomed.

Gasping for air, he calmed his mind, and accepted defeat...if only he hadn’t dropped his sword.  No, he had made his  best attempt to take down the lord, but had failed and now the rest of  the plan was worthless…it was over.

The lord seemed to be casting a new spell and the  vines reacted,  they coiled and spiraled downward, returning back into the earth to  which they spawned. 

..What was happening? he felt  his feet back on solid ground.

Exhausted and weakened by the experience his legs folded unable to hold his weight and now he lay in the dirt, face down at the feet of his enemy, he would not beg and was ready to accept death.

His breathing calmed...he would dust himself off and stand one last time to face his foe

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