The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Forty Six

Cont. from Part Forty Five or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

 A new beginning  

Nathans nature magic had grown significantly, he was now able to connect with people and in some cases even  control the elements within them, but not in the case of Valar.  

For  the past few days he had spent most of his time in the Augra with  Sharee, their mission was clear to defeat the Fire King they must grow  an army and the best way to grow the army was for Nathan to take  leadership, one province at a time. The Fire Kings rule by right of  magic,was his Achilles hill, it could and would be used against him.  

In the case of Valar he  had been unsure, here stood a  man who had tried to kill him twice, yet  Sharee was convinced that this... balancer would be instrumental with the  right training, it was time to put this to the test.

“Master,  if you touch the balancer I should be able to take us all to Augra.  From here I can give the balancer what he needs to learn the true nature  of his gifts” said Sharee gently in his mind.  

He trusted  Sharee but his cautiously held to his doubts, he approached Valar in a non threatening way, like he would a  friend.  

“Valar I mean you know harm, I know you have  reason to hate me, but try to understand I despise the Fire king as  well, you need to trust me”.  

Valar seemed to be shifting his weight, was he considering his offer?  

“Why should I trust you? I don’t even know the Fire King, I just want him dead to stop the attack on my people”. 

 “Em  trusts me Valar and  I want this damn war over as well. Let us join  forces, we have a common enemy, lets us forge an alliance?”  

“Again...why trust you?”  

“The  General tells me the force to the North East also has ships, they  aren’t the large warships which are being used to attack your city, but  they are fast and well equipped.”  

“I’m listening”  

“If  the army attacks and distracts them you and I can sneak in so that I  may challenge the lord. If accepted  I can take leadership. Valar my  first order will be to send those ships to help relieve your forces and  buy us some more time. It will create confusion, they will come under  attack by friendly forces”.  

“You have my attention, but more time for what?”  

“Time  for us to take control of this world and kill this damn Fire King, Once  he is ended, so to will be the attack on your people, but all people.  Peace Valar! all you need do is take my hand in friendship”. 

Valar seemed to be struggling with the decision, but he extended his hand.   

He took it and in a moment they were both in the Augra, the deal had been struck and a new alliance was born. 

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