The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Forty Three

Cont. from Part Forty Two or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

Valar awoke abruptly he was covered in sweat and his heart was pounding.  

In a daze he looked about, his eyes hurt as it was now the middle of the day...he recalled where he was and what had happened, the battle had gone poorly and he had been hurt and put to bed.

The back of his head still hurt, but nothing like before... he must have been sleeping for hours, mostly he just needed a piss.  

He  saw a bucket in the corner of the room and knew what must be done.


Slowly and painfully he pulled himself out of bed and headed to towards  it, he was busting!. His legs felt weak like he just run a marathon, but the relief of release was like bliss.  

There was a sudden gentle knock on the door and it edged open before he could react.  It was Em.

“Fantastic ya up, we nearly thought we lost ya a couple of days back”.  Valar had little choice but to continue to finish his business and converse at the same time.  

“Err..Sorry Em, I’m busting here... will be with you in a moment”  

Em laughed and appeared to be walking up for a closer look

Her early comment suddenly registered in his mind.

 “What do you mean a couple of days back?”  

“Ya been down for 4 days with a fever”  

“Shit” replied Valar giving it a good shake and tucking it away.  

“The timing couldn’t be better though Valar, there is a meeting in just a few minutes in the main council chambers, if ya up for it?”  

“Em of course I’m up for it, I don’t even know what happened after the battle”.  

“Well come on then, get ya gear on and lets move”.  

Although his body hurt he was trained in battle preparation and in moments his armour and sword was on, not that he was in any condition to fight...he just wanted to be ready for anything.

As  they exited the room together and entered a hallway, he immediately noticed a small table with a tray and mugs and a half empty jug  of water. He was so thirsty he grabbed the jug and drank heavily, the cool water relieved his dry throat, it was the best  thing ever.

“No time to waste Valar, time to get ya those answers”

He slammed down the jug and followed her into the chambers.

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