The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Forty Two

Cont. from Part Forty One or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

Valar was barely able to stand, his armour was heavy and he was exhausted. He dug deep and found the strength to stand tall and looked deep into the eyes of his enemy…he couldn’t understand what he saw.   

Behind the lords eyes was kindness and compassion, these were not the eyes of a ruthless and evil overlord… it must be a trick, yes a clever illusion created by magic? A strange green glow emitted from around the lords neck, green when it should be red…definitely a trick, perhaps some kind of powerful magic designed to confuse him?   

Behind the lord stood a statue of a soldier, it was beginning to snow. It reminded him of something, something important, so he took a moment to stare at the statue... and remembered who he was, an Arkassor soldier

His adrenaline pumped… he still had one chance. 

Ferociously he lashed out with his hand and grabbed the lord by the throat, if he was going to die he would take this bastard with him!. 

His fingers dug deep into flesh and he squeezed with everything he had, he could feel his opponent gasp and the flesh break under his tight grip… soon it would be too late.   

There was a thud and then darkness.   

Suddenly and abruptly he awoke his head felt fuzzy with a strange pain, no it was an agonizing pain, someone must have bludgeoned him hard to the back of the head.    

He looked around,  he was somewhere else now... a simple room, just a bed and a travelers chest with his armour, sword and shield on top..    

He touched the back of his head and realised he was bandaged, the pain was extreme. He looked at his fingers, he could see fresh blood, simply touching the wound must have re-opened it.   In agony and incapacitated could do nothing but lie back on the bed. His sword so close with his things, but it might as well be miles away.     

The room had a small wooden door and just as he looked it swung open to reveal Em.   

“Thank the lords ye ok..” she said rushing over to the bed and taking his hand in hers.   

“What happened? We…. lost the battle” he asked confused.

“Not quite Valar, the most fantastic thing has happened. The lord was not what any of us expected”. 

“The lord…the lord! I was killing the lord and then I woke up here”. 

“I’ll explain everything once you get better, I’m afraid you had a good hold on his throat and Exlar made a good mess of your head”.   


“I’ll explain everything tomorrow. For now just know the attack was a success and you safe…well, kind of, just not the way we expected. The lord here is a good man and he has agreed to take you to the fire king”.   

“He has?…but why? I tried to kill him”.   

“All will be explained in time Valar, now lie down and rest”..  

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