The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Nineteen

Cont. from Part Eighteen or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Nathan reached out and touched the surface of the water with his mind stings, it was easier then expected.   

“Now consider the water is like a plant or tree, and is able to move and communicate with you” said Sharee.   

Nathan concentrated and tried to connect, but it was different from the plants and trees and he was struggling to follow her instructions.

“Hahaha you are trying to hard...I will help you Master”. 

He felt a sudden surge of energy.. his inner power augmented by Sharee, he had felt this before but more intense, like with the battle with Jarred.   

His mind strings bounced across the surfaces of the water splitting into hundreds, now thousands of tentacles probing the waters surface trying to find a way to connect.   

He felt strange, like a new secret unlocked in his mind and a single string plunged into the water.  He immediately felt a strange connection similar to that of when he connected with Sharee or the plants and trees and more started to connect.

“Now... make your request Master” Sharee seemed to be struggling.

He asked the water to move, and it started to stir...more and more of his mind strings joined and as he became more familiar and comfortable with the feeling the greater the waters response.   

The water swirled around, a gentle motion, now a small water sprout, it looked like water going down a drain.   

He felt Sharee’s power decrease as she gently reduced her assistance, he concentrated hard, but the movement reduced.   

It was taxing and difficult, the mind strings let go and he fell to his knees. He noticed Sharee was also on her knee’s next to him.. they both looked at each other with joy and smiled, knowing they had achieved something great together.   

“I should return you to your reality now need to try to practice there more” and in a blink, he was back in the forest of his own reality, sitting in his meditation position on a rock by a river side.   

For the next few days he would explore the wilds and practice his art... connecting now to trees, plants and the water as well. 

He ventured aimlessly until he reached the forest edge and faced mountains he had never before climbed.  

With no home and no general sense of direction he began the gentle climb, leaving the forest behind.  It wasn't long and he came upon a lake, with an absence of tree's his connection to the plants diminished a little but he could still feel them there.

"I would like to practice my skills here... with the lake" he announced to Sharee.

"Yes Master, there is less distraction here.."

He reached out and connected to the lake it was almost seamless now, natural. He asked the lake to respond and like many times before the water stirred. 

He motioned his hands upwards and a spout exploded upwards from the waters surface, it followed his requests without hesitation. Still it was taxing, with all the strength he could muster he asked the water to split and spread and instantly it exploded in mid air, showering him and the outer edges of the lake in hail like drops nearly knocking him off his feet.

"Well done Master! you have learned quickly.."

...Exhausted but pleased, he knew he was ready for the next level.

Cont. to Part Twenty here

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