The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Eighteen

Cont. from Part Seventeen or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Nathan returned to the Augra and it appeared different. 

Each time now he had returned it was different!, yet he felt and knew it was in-fact the same magical place.    

This time he was near a gentle moving  stream, a small waterfall surrounded by trees and plants.  The power of nature magic surrounded him, it radiated from the entire environment, it seemed so much stronger then his last visit....amplified and more intense

The water sparkled in the sun light and there was something unusual about the water itself, something enchanting him, it called to him and he sensed a great mystery to be revealed...but for now he would talk with Sharee   

She sat on a boulder near the waters edge, his eye captured by her beauty he struggled not to stare. He found his thoughts wandering again, the unexpected magnitude of her attraction drawing him in once more.   

She smiled gently as if relieved to see a friend... she did not seem to be aware of the attraction he felt underneath, or at least she did not show it.

He dismissed the thoughts and tried to put the feelings aside, he sat beside her on the rock…now much closer she seemed different, he felt deep sadness.   

“What happened to your last Master Sharee, can you please tell me?” he asked quietly, sincerity of concern in his voice.   

“He was the last of his order, and was quite sick and old when we bonded…I did my best, but in the end I failed him… like I always fail” She put her face in her hands and began to weep.   

Nathan was stunned, he had never seen her cry and realised she had not responded in her normal custom, much less formal.. she did not call him master.

He wasn’t sure what to do, instinctively he put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly, the touch made him feel strange, not unpleasant... he couldn’t place the feeling, just strange a tingly sensation.   

“It’s ok Sharee, what ever happened you did your best…you have already saved my life twice!”   

He paused for a moment,  his heart sank to see her so sad.   

“Tell me from the beginning Sharee, who are your really?, how did you get here? ...please I need to know more about you and what is happening to us”   

She looked up  into his eyes, tears streaming down her perfect cheeks   

“...Since my defeat against the Great Wizard Charok I have been trapped here in the Augra... here I live alone and lost within myself, my only contact to your reality through the bonding of the master nature shard”.   

He was shocked, the wizard Charok was the stuff of legends! the strongest of all the fire mage.. 

“Do you mean you fought against the Fire King the flesh?”   

“No and Yes, Charok is bonded with the master fire shard and therefore he is both Charok and...and my brother Kroto.”   

“You have a brother? how many more like you are there.....why would he fight you?” he withdrew his hand startled, the realisation of his own situation weighing heavy on his mind.   

“..because he was cruel and jealous, I don’t know!” She responded suddenly and was very distressed, he considered his next question carefully.   

“Tell me from the beginning Sharee…who are you and where did you come from?”.   

She continued to stare in his eyes, he was losing himself to her, the attraction growing by the moment, his desires growing as well.   

“Many eons ago our parents Shatee and Gosh came to this world and bonded with it... like many worlds before. Gosh my father focused his energy on the core and Shatee her energy on the surface, when the fire within met the earth without, your world was transformed and life was created”.   

“The story of the beginning, yes I have heard this. It was taught to me as a child growing up, but I didn't know it was real?...If I remember we just called the first creators,  the gods of power…please go on!” 

Seeing his interest for the story, Sharee tried to continue still very upset.

“Well...For the longest time we existed only in your reality as what you would call crystal clusters. As time went on we grew, as did creation and eventually we grew so close that in your reality we touched, the fire crystal and the nature crystal. I thought it would be good to meet my broth...”   

She began to cry uncontrollably again.......he knew she could not continue.

“Sharee we don’t need to finish this now, but we need to speak of this more so I can understand and help”  

“Let us speak of other things now” He gently shifted her chin up and wiped the tears from her cheek with his sleeve.   

“Thank you Master, how else may I serve you?”    

He stood up swiftly, smiled and hands together fingers overlapped he pushed and cracked his knuckles.

“Well, if you feel up to it... lets practice our Nature magic together!” 

Please note, where possible I will try to use my own original photo's for this story - unless otherwise specified all photo's have been taken by me (where they are not mine, I will always leave a link to the source) 

Cont. to Part Nineteen here

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