The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Seventeen

A new chapter – A new destination  

Cont. from Part Sixteen or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Nathan wandered aimlessly through the wilderness, twice had his life been in peril, twice his new companion Sharee had saved his life. 

He reached out with his mind string and connected to Sharee, the connection was there, but very weak and her voice could not be heard. 

Sharee had warned him the fight with Jarred would weakener her and so it had, for the first time in days he started to feel hungry and he had such a thirst. The forest was plentiful and although he was not a skilled hunter he had some knowledge of the fruits and berries, so he would not starve immediately.

Finding water was also not hard, he had no idea where he was going, but it wouldn’t be long and he could hear the roar of a river or stream. 

He would travel during the day and build a fire at night, each night trying to connect with Sharee, each night he felt her stronger,  he could feel her presence but she was unable... or unwilling to communicate. 

The shard around his neck glowed green, brighter and deeper in colour then when he had first acquired it. He assumed like a fire shard as his knowledge and power grew so too would it brighten and the colour deepen.

He could not return to the Augra without Sharee, but practiced what he had learned each night connecting to the planets and trees of the forest nearby, tapping into his own internal energy he asked the wild plants to do his bidding, they responded and his mastery of the art grew.

Many nights passed and his skill with nature magic improved. He could ask the trees to move and they would, he could ask the vines to grow and take hold...and they would. They did not respond with such velocity as with the battle with Jarred, but he felt the connection grow stronger and with it the plants respond quicker to his requests.

...Another day passed and living in the forest became easier, he wondered if possessing nature magic was making a difference or he had just acclimatized.  

It was around mid day and he sat near a stream simply trying to absorb some of the suns warmth. A few hours passed before he realised he had not eaten at all that day, yet there was no hunger in his belly.

He closed his eyes and connected to Sharee with his mind string once again.

"Are you there Sharee.."

"Yes Master, I am here"

Suprisingly releaved to have a voice inside his head he replied ''I was worried I had lost you..I mean that you were hurt"

"I am fine now Master but the the battle was difficult, I needed time to recover".

"I have been practising and I am stronger now shouldn't have to do that again"

"Thankyou Master but I will do what is necessary to keep alive, I fear I failed my last Master and I will not do this again".

"Tell me of your previous Master Sharee..."

There was a delay in response and he had thought he had lost contact with her again.

"Master I am still a little weak, can we speak in the Augra?"

"Yes take us to the Augra Sharee" and within moments he was there, back in the magical forest, back where nature magic was at it's strongest.  

Cont. to Part eighteen here

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