The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Thirteen

Cont. from Part Twelve or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Nathan tried to shake off the effects of leaving the Augra so suddenly. 

He was being held up by two monk’s who’s faces he could not see, but his legs could now support his own weight.  

“Hey Jerk! I’m talking to you!” shouted Jarred pointing him in the chest followed by a quick jab to the side of face.

The blow hurt, his eye and nose hurt but almost immediately the pain went away. He was being healed by Sharee…but even this couldn’t prevent him being killed by a blade or fireball. 

He wasn’t sure why but he started to laugh, looking up and staring into Jarred eyes. 

“Hahaha you punch like an old man” 

Jarred was enraged by the comment, and started to let lose dishing out several blows to Nathans face , chest and then  his stomach. The pain was sharp and intense, he also felt winded for a few moments...then nothing he was healed.

“Hahahaha” again, he laughed uncontrollably, then spat blood directly into Jarrad’s face. 

He could feel the monks to his left and right shift,  their grips lightening slightly, perhaps disturbed or shocked by the beating or by Jarreds reaction. 

“I’m gonna pay that back to you in triple, you little shit!” said Jarred wiping the blood away with the back of his sleave. 

“Master, he will kill you if we don’t do something” Sharee connected her mind string to him and spoke in his mind. 

“What can I do? He has fire magic and will kill me soon anyways…” 

“It will weaken me for a while master, but as you’re not ready I can help you to connect to the plants near us, let’s work together and fight back with nature magic”. 

Hearing Sharee’s words he closed his eyes, tightened his hands into closed fists and focused on summoning his inner energy as a trained fire mage would. 

Completely focused he imagined his mind string divide, connecting the new string to the inner energy being built up inside. 

Suddenly he was free… the monks holding him backed away, like they could feel something was happening or they were afraid or both.

He opened his eyes to see the spark of a fire ball building in Jarreds hands, prepared to kill. 

“Now focus your energy through to your fingers and connect to the plants around us, I will boost it master…then simply ask the plants to help”  

He did as Sharee instructed lifting his hands towards Jarred he imagined tiny shoots of mind strings connecting to the environment around him. He wasn’t sure how, but he connected with the roots of the tree’s under their feet. It must have been Sharee helping to steer his thoughts as he was only vaugely aware they were even there. 

He asked the roots to move, to grow, to do what was necessary to do something to help and he couldn’t help but feel great anger against the monks. 

He felt an incredible surge of energy, like his own inner energy augmented a hundred times, he could feel Sharee communicate his message to the trees and the message was heard. 

Jarred was standing side on now the fire shard glowing light orange, connected to its master. The fireball near complete in form, sparks and flame suspended in the air between his hands, in a moment it would be released.

Bursting through the earth the roots of the nearby trees responded to Nathans request, for the monks on his left and right it was quick, but still slow enough for them to feel it and scream. Twisting and grabbing at their legs constricting as the root made their way up, crushing bones beneath robes and flesh. 

For Jarred, it was even faster a massive root shooting up with incredible speed, impaling him from below emerging through his mouth, blood and insides exploding and showering the nearby forest, some getting Nathan in the face as well. 

“Well…I guess you got me back for spitting blood on you” were the last words Jarred heard as Nathan walked away disappearing into nearby forest.


Cont. to Part Fourteen here

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