The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Thirty Six

Cont. from Part Thirty Five or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

Nathan finished his delicious meal and was swiftly escorted towards the council chambers.  

He walked down a cold stone passage way lead be Assandria, there were  windows along the way and he could see the sun setting, it was getting  dark outside.   

They walked with purpose towards a large dual wooden door; a candle holder over the door lit the way. 

Assandria pushed hard on the doors. They made little noise and the heavy doors slowly moved open, it appeared they were re-enforced with some strange kind of  metal.  

Inside was a rectangular shaped room, in the corner a  large fire roared and illuminated the place.  

To the rear of the room a  large ancient looking wooden throne stood out, behind it the walls were  covered with strange tapestries weaved with beautiful colours....he had  never seen anything like it before.  

A woman and a man both dressed for combat, stood behind a large table in the centre of the room. They bowed their  heads as they entered and approached the table. Assandria took her place standing near them and peered down at the table with the others. 

There  were various items and devices on the far left of the table, but most  imposing a large map was strung across it, placed upon it were tiny  wooden figurines….. They reminded him of small toys he had played with as a  child, just much more detailed and impressive, perhaps made of steel?  

He recognised the world map from his teaching with the monks. The realms were all there and even a small island to represent  the outer isles as well.  Standing out clearly was a large castle to the  far north, the huge dome towers it could be only be Gurndale  the largest city and home of the fire king.

“My lord I am  Gathar, your Grand Marshal” the man bowed once more…he wore unique armor and had an impressive black was the largest he had ever seen.  

“Gather commands your troops on the field” said Assandria patting  Gathar on the shoulder.  

“My lord I am Exlar, I am your royal lieutenant and lead your personal guard” said the other woman also bowing down her head....she had wonderful blood hair, it reminded him of Sharee.  

They all stared at him awaiting a response.  

“Sooo  Exlar, where were you when I took down the last lord?” …he felt  embarrassed and wasn’t sure why he had opened with this, it just slipped out. 

“My  lord, her role is to protect you from the state and physical  attacks. The previous lord had ordered her to stay here and even if she  had come, she cannot defend against magic”.  

“My humble apology Exlar, I’m sure you’re a fine lieutenant…I’m pleased to meet you all, my name is Nathan”. 

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