The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Three

Cont. from Part Two

“I’m so disappointed in you”, says Bargee stepping into the clearing shaking his head, eyes piercing and burning brightly. 

“Get him, kill him, kill him, do it now!” followed the unmistakable voice of Jarred also entering the clearing to stand at Bargee's side. 

Nathans concentration is broken, now facing two possible combatants at once. Shacking and distraught, he looks  into  Bargee’s eyes... 

he now knew he couldn’t do it, he couldn't fight Bargee, even to defend his own life. 

In a split second decision he decides to make for where the forest looked less dense, this way he could see blue sky at ground level, which could mean a cliff and/or death? or perhaps he might get lucky and it's just a decline into a ravine? 

No time to think, panicked and not looking back, he just takes the chance and runs as fast as he can, breaking through the trees towards the open area, in a leap of faith with a hope to find solid ground.

...The fireball hit just below his feet and launched him much higher into the air then he expected. Pain aside he was now in mid-air, blown high into the sky, his body uncontrollably flying, rocks and trees passing underneath.  

Surely this was the end? His body already numb from the pain of flame, he prepared for death as the rock face of the far chasm wall rushed towards him. 

He felt his body hit rock and felt his right arm crack, but his face was  hit hardest and the warm sensation of blood flowed into his mouth. His body crippled and pressed against rock, he simply allowed himself to collapse into a heap.

...Then a strange cracking sound, the ground giving away from under his feet, he simply thinks, what now?. Grabbing out with his left arm he could feel himself slipping though into some kind of hole, or ancient well, an uncovered tunnel or hole, dirt and rock falling in with him sliding uncontrollably into the darkness. 

The light above him disappearing in a rain of rock and plant, his motion finally halted.

..Trapped, unable to move he simply lies still as the world spins and all is dark.  

Cont. to Part Four here

Not my best work, but all I can manage to continue the Story promptly, feel free to enjoy,  Upvote and resteem if you like my story writing. 



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