The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Twenty Seven

Cont. from Part Twenty Six or Story Start/Part One if your just joining 

Nathan pushed  the door and entered the church. The scene was unexpected,  it wasn’t arranged like the church at his home village at all.

Instead of rows of stalls and chairs it was more like an open hall, with a lifted stage and a weird alter up the front.

On the left a long table ran along the wall, covered with food fit for a king, he had never seen  so much food in one place, a large assortment of meats, cheeses,  vegetables and wine.   

To the right another long table, with a dozen or so people in strange attire seated comfortably behind it...they were starring at him.

 ...A man in a black hooded cloak, appeared from behind the alter and  stared down directly at him. 

“What is the meaning of this intrusion.... peasant!”  bellowed the hooded man, his voice carrying authority and power.   

Nathan stood paused dumb struck as the people all stared at him in silence

“I..I was told maybe this could be a place for a  magic user to... seek safety?” he said feeling embarrassed and stumbling on  his own words.   

...Even before he completed the sentence he realised  his mistake! the people sitting behind the large table all abruptly stood up and slowly backed towards the wall, nervously glancing at him, then looking towards the hooded man. 

“Master, prepare yourself” Sharee spoke quietly and confidently in his mind.

Sensing the threat and taking Sharee's advice he tapped into his inner power and reached out with his mind strings connecting to all forms of nature around him. 

He could feel the roots under the building, the moisture in the air, even the slight breeze coming in from the windows....he would be ready for anything.   

“You dare challenge me! peasant!” shouted the cloaked individual now walking to the edge of the stage towards him. He had a  fire shard bright, red and dangling from a chain around his neck.  

 “No…no challenge, what?? I'm just a lost person seeking refuge”    

“Stop with your games! you claim to have have challenged leadership by right of magic, now prepare yourself young fool!” with this the hooded man clasped his hands together and quickly pulled them apart revealing  a large ball of flame.   

As soon as Nathan saw the red he knew it was too late to turn and flee, more instinct then fear, he requested the roots to move and they erupted from under the floor, snapping and sending floor boards flying, the roots grew and headed straight towards the threat.   

The cloaked man,  either fast or simply startled released his fireball quickly and it exploded against the roots.   


With the impact Nathan felt a strange kind of pain, it surprised him to the point he momentarily lost control and the burning remains of the roots fell to the ground.   

There were gasps and whispers from the on lookers...  but he had no time to listen, this fire mage was intent on killing him and we would never run from a fire mage again.   

He regained his composure, took a deep breath and prepared for round two.

Cont. to Part Twenty Eight

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