The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Twenty Three

Cont. from Part Twenty Two or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Valar froze momentarily, his eyes locked with those of the lead bandit… he was in trouble.   

“Well, well lads, look what we got here” said the cocky confident bandit leader walking directly at him. 

The gang of four bandits quickly surrounded him in a kind of semi-circle… people cleared the streets, some on watchers slightly braver or stupid stopped and starred.   

“Hey that’s some fancy Armour you got there boy” said one of the bandits rubbing and caressing his own matching chest plate.   

“Return what you have stolen! Remove your Armour, drop your weapons and walk away” replied Valar in confident defiance.   

“Mhahaha” a collective laughter came from the four bandits as they now paced around him, fully circling like vultures waiting for their pray to die.   

He quickly weighed up the situation…he was a trained soldier, one of the best in his class, with a sword he was unmatched by his peers, but with this spear…he would not stand up long against Arkassor steel.   

In a blink, the bandit leader drew his sword and lunged, the strike much like the one that had killed his friend and squad sergeant on the beach just a couple of days earlier, straight for his throat!.    

He pretended not to see it coming, instead looking towards another bandit nearby. When the tip of the sword was close he dodged, but the blade made slight contact opening up his chin... He had no time to care, pain would increase his focus. 

The strike missing surprised and forced the attacker to over extend creating an opening. He thrust upwards with his spear, piercing the bandit leaders sword hand, forcing him to drop the sword and cry out. As the sword dropped so did he, dropping his spear and falling into a roll, to his own surprise he managed to catch the falling sword by the hilt right before it completed its fall to the ground.


He completed his roll, sword now in hand he was back up and on one knee attacking and piercing the belly of a surprised nearby bandit, the one wearing a particularly shiny breast plate.   

He lifted the sword up, opening the wound and within seconds the sword was withdrawn, the bandit’s entrails exploded onto the street and he fell... before his victim was down, he was already facing his next opponents blood lust in his eyes.

There were screams and gasps from people watching in the street,  the other two bandits watched in shock, their friend fatally wounded in front of their eyes. 

“What are you waiting for...Kill him!” Screamed the bandit leader holding his badly damaged and bleeding hand.   

Valar was in his element, but even he was surprised at how well he executed the last two attacks. The element of surprise now lost... surely dispatching the remainder would not be as easy.   

The two other bandits drew swords, one wore Armour the other did not. They attacked in unison, a practiced attack of cowards both lunging forward attacking from different directions and angles against a single foe. 

He parried the blow of the unarmored bandit with his sword, at the same time kicking low and hard at his groin…he could fight dirty as well.    

The other bandits blow deflected as intended off his chest plate, and he was now open to a quick swipe to the leg by sword. The bandit cried out and staggered backwards, his sword still held confidentially high, his other hand holding his bleeding leg as he retreated…it would take more to finish this one off.   

He swung his sword in an arch cleanly removing the head of the bandit who was down and clutching his balls...his headless body dropped limp to the ground, blood soaked the street as the head bounced off towards the bandit leader.

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