The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Twenty Two

Cont. from Part Twenty One or Story Start/Part One if your just joining

Valar sat and scoffed down his piping hot food, he didn't know or care what it was, it was his first decent meal in days...was it some kind of stew?.


The beer was cheap and bitter but it helped settle his nerves and finished the job, his stomach was full.

"My name is Emma, but me friends call me Em!" explained the blonde woman, watching him clean the plate with his fingers.

"I am Valar" he replied licking his fingers dry

"I be sorry about the goin's on earlier Valar, ye know with the knife and all...I had to be sure you weren't a spy or a thief or something"

"It's ok, given the way my crew were slaughtered and our equipment stolen, I expect people to be on alert living in these parts"

"About that equipment Valar, well...we have a bit of a shortage around ere and in need of some!"

He looked around the tavern to see a mixed bunch, from typical drunks to out of work mercenary types. A few faces looked like they had seen tough times, perhaps even war. Their outfits ranged from little more then rags to leather must be tough in these parts.

"Why? what would you lot want with soldiers equipment, gonna fight a war?"

"Lets just say we have no love for the wizard Charok and his cronies, I mean ye must hate the guy...he's the one who ordered yer people destroyed"

Valar considered the words carefully... perhaps things were looking up, if he could find this Charok and kill him it would surely deal a critical blow, maybe even end the war...cut off the serpents head!

"I'm listening..."

With his response several other patrons approached and took seats next to him as well, one leaned forward and over the bar.

"I am Peter" said the largest guy, his biceps so large he looked like his shirt would tear. 

"...And I am Jack" said a scruffy looking guy in a stained tunic 

"These are my associated or partner's in crime ye might say!" Said Em slapping the two new comers hard on their backs.

Valar was less then impressed.

"....I don't need any help, just get me a sword, point me at this Charok and I'll take care of the rest".

"Look friend, if ye got more Armour we will buy it from ya, if not take your leave now and well just buy the piece your wearing... for  a far price of course"

Valar considered the offer, this place was strange to him and he had nothing else to trade.....No he was on a mission now, he would find Charok and kill him and to do that he'd need every resource he had.

"I'm sorry, but no sale... thanks for the food and drink, but now I must go", he stood up and his new guests stared some what unexpected, disappointed by his departure and ending of the conversation.

As he left the tavern he scanned the surrounding street, people were walking about, many starring at him, others quickly walking to avoid going near him...he was well noticed.

There were a number of make shift street vendors not far down the street, selling fruit and odds and ends. 

He wondered if he had made a mistake leaving the tavern so soon, how would he find this Charok?..he looked at his meager spear and knew he needed to get a sword and soon.

Then he saw it... a group of armed men crossing the street coming straight towards him, armour glimmering in the sun, one even had an arkassor sword. 

It didn't take long for him to recognize them, it was the bandits from the beach, one was wearing an arkassor breast plate! and suddenly he knew what must be done.

Cont. to Part Twenty Three here

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