Brenlyns Journal - The Battle Begins...D&D


We are preparing for our adventure. Everyone is gathering the items needed for us to attempt surviving. Rations are being gathered, explores kits, healing potions and weapons are now loaded onto the wagon. Before we started gathering supplies, Diero, Olin, Varius and myself were in prayer led by Dooramir. Suddenly a light tremor began to happen. Diero goes into a deep trance, his eyes began rolling, he was speaking an unknown language and twitching. When the trance was broken, he says that he was directly spoken to by our Goddess Eldath so that he can give us a message. We are to travel and receive Thornes redeemer (sacred item). Evil worshipers of the Deity Cryick (God of lies) will be in route to search for this item as well. They will do whatever it takes to take us down.

Before we really begin delving into the mystical world of Brenlyn, read this to find out exactly who she is and why she is on this incredible journey...


We left around 5 am this morning. It was a quiet day traveling south towards Bronetown. No one has done much talking. I believe we are all still taking in what it really going on, this is no easy task that Eldath has sent us to do. We made sure that all of our weapons are locked and loaded, it is only a matter of time before someone or something comes to give us a not so warm welcome. Those who worship Eldath were given symbols on their hands. During my final rest at Thorne Temple before we left, I was woken to a tingle on my right palm, that was the moment I received my symbol. Tonight during prayer our symbols lit up, our powers are becoming stronger, I hope. It is now time for rest.



What an eventful day this has been. We ran into some very aggressive wolves. Olin was almost brought to death due to a bite wound on his throat but I was able to just barely stabilize him with my cure wounds spell. Diero sliced the last wolf completely in half! One day in and we have already had some serious trouble. We are working on keeping Olin stable but it isn't looking good for him right now. We were able to collect meat from the wolves. Varius has taken a guess that we gathered around 20 lbs of meat.

Cure wounds spell- a creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spell casting ability modifier, no effect on undead.


We left around 1 pm, Olin is in the back of the wagon still badly wounded. Instead of camping for more rest we have decided to continue our journey towards Bronetown. It is about 4 hours into our trip. Diero has just whistled for us to stop, he hears something up ahead. Our blades are drawn, it is inevitable that the time has come for another battle...



6 foot rats have stopped us in our tracks, they were hidden in the bushes. One of our horses was bitten, he has fallen. Diero sliced the head of the rat. I created an instantaneous sound of thunder in an attempt to scare the second one away, it worked. Several others which were unseen ran through the woods in terror.


As we come closer to the beautiful Bronetown, we seen this thick fog. Folklore is that the fog can take shape of lost souls who have fallen in battle. We originally stopped in town to quickly search for items needed. We decided to rest at Whispers Inn, apparently the woods behind the Inn whisper to the guest. Varius and myself took turns watching our items through the night, we still need to be alert for those who worship Cryick (God of lies). Two thieves were seen lurking around. I was the only one awake during this time and decided to use another instantaneous spell, this time I tried to trick the thieves into thinking the woods were actually whispering to them. One of the thieves seemed spooked but the other had drawn his weapon. I had no choice but to act fast and shoot him with my bow, resulting in low damage to his thigh.

Varius was woken by the noise, one of the thieves swung to hit him but missed. I received slight damage to my left knee. Varius used a spell to shoot lightening through them, this only brought minor damage. It was back to me, I used my sacred flames spell and threw flames toward the wounded man. SUCCESS, he went up in smoke. With one left, it was up to Varius to end this battle. He used his magic missile which bolted through the chest of the final thieve, leaving a giant visible hole in his chest. Once the body hit the ground, Varius searched for a clue as to what they wanted. He noticed a mark on these men which proved to us that they were in fact worshipers of Cryick , these "thieves" were not here to steal, they were here on mission to kill. To not causes any mass hysteria to this quiet Inn, we take the bodies and quickly leave this town.

Sacred flames spell- Flame like radiance descends on a creature that you cans see within range. The target must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage.

History of Thornes Temple

Thornes Temple is where Brenlyns journey began. This was her home where she worshiped her Goddess Eldath before being sent to find this sacred item.

Kortana (the planet Brenlyn lives on)

The War of The First & The War Of The Last

Thorne was half God and was a hero in Mortheyre. He was one of the Gods that walked with humans and gave knowledge to them. Myrkul (God of death), Talona (God of disease) and Kalemor (God of the undead) didn't want to talk with humans. They wanted man as slaves and all three wanted the number 1 spot. This was the reason for the start of this war which lasted 128 years. Some races were eradicated and people lost faith which caused some of the Gods to diminish with no power because of this. Thorne worked directly with the good Gods. Thorne and Eldath were able to get to these three evil Gods, after many long years of battle, Thorne finally sacrificed his own life to end this war. The Gods no longer walk directly with humans or on planet Kortana at all, it is only through relic and prayer that someone can talk to a God. Through myth and folklore it is said that items were blessed by Gods, pieces of Gods are in these items and by having them in your possession, you gain power. There are four items infused with Thornes soul, which is what Brenlyn is on her journey to find.

Everything in Brenlyns journal is not a story that I made up on my own like her back story. Her journal is a summary of the hours played in the actual game of Dungeons & Dragons. D&D is a fantasy tabletop role playing game (RPG). This is just the beginning of the adventure. I will be writing more about what is written in Brenlyns journal which goes into detail of the battles and struggles the players face while trying to search for a sacred item which they were sent to find by their Goddess Eldath.


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