Five minute free write - Scream

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This morning I woke up with almost no energy

A dry mouth, and that gnarly feeling of being on the edge of a cold. The last couple weeks has been pretty rough. Going at it 110% every day trying to make things work, trying to get my shit together, trying to move forward with life. That's left me drained with my vision blurred as to how much progress I've actually made, so, as much as I wanted to try the Three Part Weekend Free Write I wimped out and did a single prompt instead.

The focus I decided on was, scream. Because, after some of the dreams I had last night, that's what I want to do. Not a scream of fear, but of frustration, which I think comes across in this free write. Or at least I hope it does, hehe. Written on the dreaded The Most Dangerous Writing App I admit to going back and changing a few words out and adding a sentence to help the flow better.

So, without further ado...

Chest heaving in and out, hands to knees

Trying to catch every bit of air around him, he wondered, 'how the hell did I get here?' From dozens of small scratches he bled, small drops of brilliant red, stark against his pale white skin.

Around him the forest shushed, gently swaying, unawares of what was going on. Uncaring, immortal in it's cycle of seeds, stems, and leaves. Another creature, passing through, or to stay. It didn't care.

The clearing where he stood, small, cramped.

A doorway from one grove to another. So little sound, yet his ears sought out the telltale signs of others. The ones he fled from. The ones who would never stop seeking him.

For he was the one.

He didn't even know what that meant. It had all started at a bar in a far off place, a conversation with a strange dark-eye girl. One beer led to another led to another. Journey's linked and a new story with the two of them had begun.

But that was many thousands of miles ago

And now, he was here. That same dark eyed girl, behind him, somewhere, with her friends.

How had he let himself be decieved. It had been too good to be true. But he had let himself believe. That faint sliver of hope now poised to stab his heart.

A still, uncaring void surrounded him. Up he looked, hoping for a glimpse of the stars. Perhaps his last one. Silently he screamed, 'why?!'

And, if you're wondering, no. A woman did not recently break my heart. I wish that were the case. Let's just say life as a photography can be dicey sometimes...hah!...always. And finding people that want you for you vs what you can do for them is like finding a diamond in the desert. And when you do do something for someone who just wants's like the above story.

Ugh, to be in love though, that I would kill for. Literally. Bu, enough of the TMI. On to more and other writing.

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoyed it. Would love to hear what you think :)

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