Gold Dust 티끌 모아 태산

It's @mineopoly with week 3 from The Groovy School

inviting you to join a virtual adventure of community, curation and enlightenment. I get paid to go to school. I'm a teacher and I think everybody should get paid to go to school. That's why I opened Groovy School. Every day we learn something new and everybody who participates gets paid.


(NASA IMAGE) Mountains of Dust in the Carina Nebula

Monday's lesson is: Wisdom

The best place to look for wisdom is Proverbs. We will look at ancient Chinese and Korean proverbs for Wisdom class.

Today's wisdom comes from an Ancient Asian proverb:

티끌 모아 태산
Teekel Moa Daesan
"Dust Gathers to Great Mountain"
Collecting specks of dust makes a great mountain.

Similar to the Chinese proverb:

It means that what we gather

day by day piles up to a great mountain. It means to keep working on little things until they pile up into great things. This has a good meaning that the little things we do everyday whether it is a nice comment or a favor or challenge and hard work piles up to a great mountain. No one becomes a writer over night. Plankton doesn't become a minnow overnight. Steem is very similar to the process of gathering dust only SP is much more valuable than dust. For three months I have been Sheldon J. Plankton from Sponge Bob but sometime in March I will be an official Minnow. It doesn't come with a sudden surge of energy and power but it comes from gathering dust day by day until that dust becomes a great mountain.

This is not just life on Steemit but also in spiritual things. Spiritual dust is really like gold dust. Just by hanging around we are gathering dust. But it is too easy to give up hanging around when we don't see any incredible change or experience any good feelings. That's because spiritual dust is even smaller and takes time to pile up. Today we read a good book and it just seems to go in one ear and out the other but that word actually sits there and gathers up roots. It is better than dust because it is is living. As new treasures are stored up the old do not disappear but have a deeper meaning. After some time we look back and see that this dust has really become a mountain of gold.

I expect the same thing happen in my physical life as I have restored daily exercise. I don't see much immediate effect but I am building up the golden dust of muscle fiber and strengthening my heart and bones. I'm really thankful to @coachjj for her help in my daily routine. I lose an hour but it was a great hour I spent exercising with my youngest son today. We are both gathering some gold dust. Today I gathered 30 minutes of running time. 60 push-ups and 15 minutes of great yoga. It is a tiny thing for you fitness people but a breath of fresh air for me. That's my wisdom for the week.

Dust Gathered makes a Great mountain.

painting @samuel-earp-art

Now you may be wondering how to enroll in Groovy school. Well, I've got news for you. You're already enrolled!!




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Post a link to your own blog post about wisdom and one student will win a free resteem. Groovy students who get more upvotes will get a special reward.

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Upvote as many comments as you like. Say something encouraging to today's students and show them some love.

My goal is to use the proceeds from Groovy School to help kids who fall into the cracks. Even in a rich country not all the students get the things they really need. Especially I want to support kids with dyslexia and dyscalculia to receive therapy.

What kind of dust did you gather today?

I hope it was gold dust.

I really love you guys and I'm so thankful for the wonderful participation in Groovy School.

Beyond my expectations!! So Cool!!

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