When I'm 64

Will you still love me?

Will you still need me?

I’m not in any position to die.

There are some things I should get done. I cannot say that I know what my life is all about. But it's really the small things that count. Looking back I made the greatest contribution in very small ordinary things. I didn’t consciously choose to do those things but great things happen in my life and others through small things. The influence of one person’s life impacts thousands and more likely millions of lives.

I was nominated to do this challenge

by two lovely Steemians @monchihichi23 and @andysantics48
so I will share my “bucket list.”

1. Play and record music with my family. I would love to make a family album together. My youngest son likes to sing but my oldest is jealous of him and cuts him off so nothing ever gets done.

2. Make an online school that rocks. So many online schools are broken. I think it is because they look for profit only. Khan Academy is awesome but can be more personalized. I’m not ready to do this yet but the time will come.

3. Make 12 good friends from around the world with a similar vision.

4. Help one college student to realize his dream and become the person who changes the world for good in his generation.

5. Help my younger brother to get married before he is 40.

6. Help my wife to write my biography in Korean. I think she is the best person to write it.

7. Fill our church building with young people praising God.

That’s enough for me. I don’t need to go to any special place. I have been to enough places around the world to know that environment is not everything. I don’t need tons of money or property. That’s pretty useless for a dead person. I don’t need a PhD. Being recognized by my wife is enough. So that’s the end of my bucket list.

Original Poem @mineopoly

Banjo pickers plunk
Strumming a tune of harmony
Fiddlers follow slow then fast
Foot tapping to the beat
John Hartford style.

Crowds sing together with Steve Goodman
The last request of a Cubs fan.

The man in black gives an encore
To remember and pounds it with nine inch nails,

What is a name to be remembered?
When the bell rings
Where will I be?

Fleeting moments
Bound in a digital library
A pixel of uncertainty.

The day will come
When the levee is dry
And all we’ve done
Is reckoned in a song
That never dies.

This is my 31st poem in the Steemitschool poetry competition @d-pend.(Steemitschool Discord)

Verse of the Day/ 1 Peter 1:4

"To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you..."

Mineopoly Quote:

I'm up for another round.


Check out my recent post @mineopoly

Tiger DMZ
Chorus Line
Cherry Blossoms
Poetry is Dead
No Gravity on the Moon
Feynman's Dream
I Feel the Conflict Inside You
In Your Face

img 1 source, img 2 source, img 3 source, img 4 source


Is there something you should be doing right now?

I love you all.

For amazing adventure in English please follow @mineopoly mining the heart.

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